Source code for sciapy.regress.mcmc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Stefan Bender
# This module is part of sciapy.
# sciapy is free software: you can redistribute it or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# See accompanying LICENSE file or
"""SCIAMACHY data regression MCMC sampler

Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) routines to sample
the posterior probability of SCIAMACHY data regression fits.
Uses the :class:`emcee.EnsembleSampler` [#]_ do do the real work.

.. [#]

import logging
from multiprocessing import Pool

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize._differentialevolution import DifferentialEvolutionSolver
from scipy.special import logsumexp

import celerite
import george
import emcee

	from tqdm import tqdm
	have_tqdm = True
except ImportError:
	have_tqdm = False

__all__ = ["mcmc_sample_model"]

def _lpost(p, model, y=None, beta=1.):
	lprior = model.log_prior()
	if not np.isfinite(lprior):
		return (-np.inf, [np.nan])
	log_likelihood = model.log_likelihood(y, quiet=True)
	return (beta * (log_likelihood + lprior), [log_likelihood])

def _sample_mcmc(sampler, nsamples, p0, rst0,
		show_progress, progress_mod, debug=False):
	smpl = sampler.sample(p0, rstate0=rst0, iterations=nsamples)
	if have_tqdm and show_progress:
		smpl = tqdm(smpl, total=nsamples, disable=None)
	for i, result in enumerate(smpl):
		if show_progress and (i + 1) % progress_mod == 0:
			if not have_tqdm and not debug:"%5.1f%%", 100 * (float(i + 1) / nsamples))
			if debug:
				_pos, _logp, _, _ = result
				logging.debug("%5.1f%% lnpmax: %s, p(lnpmax): %s",
					100 * (float(i + 1) / nsamples),
					np.max(_logp), _pos[np.argmax(_logp)])
	return result

[docs]def mcmc_sample_model(model, y, beta=1., nwalkers=100, nburnin=200, nprod=800, nthreads=1, optimized=False, bounds=None, return_logpost=False, show_progress=False, progress_mod=10): """Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling interface MCMC sampling interface to sample posterior probabilities using the :class:`emcee.EnsembleSampler` [#]_. .. [#] Arguments --------- model : celerite.GP, george.GP, or sciapy.regress.RegressionModel instance The model to draw posterior samples from. It should provide either `log_likelihood()` and `log_prior()` functions or be directly callable via `__call__()`. y : (N,) array_like The data to condition the probabilities on. beta : float, optional Tempering factor for the probability, default: 1. nwalkers : int, optional The number of MCMC walkers (default: 100). If this number is smaller than 4 times the number of parameters, it is multiplied by the number of parameters. Otherwise it specifies the number of parameters directly. nburnin : int, optional The number of burn-in samples to draw, default: 200. nprod : int, optional The number of production samples to draw, default: 800. nthreads : int, optional The number of threads to use with a `multiprocessing.Pool`, used as `pool` for `emcee.EnsembleSampler`. Default: 1. optimized : bool, optional Indicate whether the actual (starting) position was determined with an optimization algorithm beforehand. If `False` (the default), a pre-burn-in run optimizes the starting position. Sampling continues from there with the normal burn-in and production runs. In that case, latin hypercube sampling is used to distribute the walker starting positions equally in parameter space. bounds : iterable, optional The parameter bounds as a list of (min, max) entries. Default: None return_logpost : bool, optional Indicate whether or not to return the sampled log probabilities as well. Default: False show_progress : bool, optional Print the percentage of samples every `progress_mod` samples. Default: False progress_mod : int, optional Interval in samples to print the percentage of samples. Default: 10 Returns ------- samples or (samples, logpost) : array_like or tuple (nwalkers * nprod, ndim) array of the sampled parameters from the production run if return_logpost is `False`. A tuple of an (nwalkers * nprod, ndim) array (the same as above) and an (nwalkers,) array with the second entry containing the log posterior probabilities if return_logpost is `True`. """ v = model.get_parameter_vector() ndim = len(v) if nwalkers < 4 * ndim: nwalkers *= ndim"MCMC parameters: %s walkers, %s burn-in samples, " "%s production samples using %s threads.", nwalkers, nburnin, nprod, nthreads) if isinstance(model, celerite.GP) or isinstance(model, george.GP): mod_func = _lpost mod_args = (model, y, beta) else: mod_func = model mod_args = (beta,) # Initialize the walkers. if not optimized: # scipy.optimize's DifferentialEvolutionSolver uses # latin hypercube sampling as starting positions. # We just use their initialization to avoid duplicating code. if bounds is None: bounds = model.get_parameter_bounds() de_solver = DifferentialEvolutionSolver(_lpost, bounds=bounds, popsize=nwalkers // ndim) # The initial population should reflect latin hypercube sampling p0 = de_solver.population # fill up to full size in case the number of walkers is not a # multiple of the number of parameters missing = nwalkers - p0.shape[0] p0 = np.vstack([p0] + [v + 1e-2 * np.random.randn(ndim) for _ in range(missing)]) else: p0 = np.array([v + 1e-2 * np.random.randn(ndim) for _ in range(nwalkers)]) # set up the sampling pool if nthreads > 1: pool = Pool(processes=nthreads) else: pool = None sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, mod_func, args=mod_args, pool=pool) rst0 = np.random.get_state() if not optimized:"Running MCMC fit (%s samples)", nburnin) p0, lnp0, rst0, _ = _sample_mcmc(sampler, nburnin, p0, rst0, show_progress, progress_mod, debug=True)"MCMC fit finished.") p = p0[np.argmax(lnp0)]"Fit max logpost: %s, params: %s, exp(params): %s", np.max(lnp0), p, np.exp(p)) model.set_parameter_vector(p) logging.debug("params: %s", model.get_parameter_dict()) logging.debug("log_likelihood: %s", model.log_likelihood(y)) p0 = [p + 1e-4 * np.random.randn(ndim) for _ in range(nwalkers)] sampler.reset()"Running burn-in (%s samples)", nburnin) p0, lnp0, rst0, _ = _sample_mcmc(sampler, nburnin, p0, rst0, show_progress, progress_mod)"Burn-in finished.") p = p0[np.argmax(lnp0)]"burn-in max logpost: %s, params: %s, exp(params): %s", np.max(lnp0), p, np.exp(p)) model.set_parameter_vector(p) logging.debug("params: %s", model.get_parameter_dict()) logging.debug("log_likelihood: %s", model.log_likelihood(y)) sampler.reset()"Running production chain (%s samples)", nprod) _sample_mcmc(sampler, nprod, p0, rst0, show_progress, progress_mod)"Production run finished.") samples = sampler.flatchain lnp = sampler.flatlnprobability # first column in the blobs are the log likelihoods lnlh = np.array(sampler.blobs)[..., 0].ravel().astype(float) post_expect_loglh = np.nanmean(np.array(lnlh))"total samples: %s", samples.shape) samplmean = np.mean(samples, axis=0)"mean: %s, exp(mean): %s, sqrt(exp(mean)): %s", samplmean, np.exp(samplmean), np.sqrt(np.exp(samplmean))) samplmedian = np.median(samples, axis=0)"median: %s, exp(median): %s, sqrt(exp(median)): %s", samplmedian, np.exp(samplmedian), np.sqrt(np.exp(samplmedian)))"max logpost: %s, params: %s, exp(params): %s", np.max(lnp), samples[np.argmax(lnp)], np.exp(samples[np.argmax(lnp)]))"AIC: %s", 2 * ndim - 2 * np.max(lnp))"BIC: %s", np.log(len(y)) * ndim - 2 * np.max(lnp))"poor man's evidence 1 sum: %s, mean: %s", np.sum(np.exp(lnp)), np.mean(np.exp(lnp)))"poor man's evidence 2 max: %s, std: %s", np.max(np.exp(lnp)), np.std(np.exp(lnp)))"poor man's evidence 3: %s", np.max(np.exp(lnp)) / np.std(np.exp(lnp)))"poor man's evidence 4 sum: %s", logsumexp(lnp, b=1. / lnp.shape[0], axis=0)) # mode model.set_parameter_vector(samples[np.argmax(lnp)]) log_lh = model.log_likelihood(y) # Use the likelihood instead of the posterior #"BIC lh: %s", np.log(len(y)) * ndim - 2 * log_lh) # DIC sample_deviance = -2 * np.max(lnp) deviance_at_sample = -2 * (model.log_prior() + log_lh) pd = sample_deviance - deviance_at_sample dic = 2 * sample_deviance - deviance_at_sample"max logpost log_lh: %s, AIC: %s, DIC: %s, pd: %s", model.log_likelihood(y), 2 * ndim - 2 * log_lh, dic, pd) # mean model.set_parameter_vector(samplmean) log_lh = model.log_likelihood(y) log_lh_mean = log_lh # DIC sample_deviance = -2 * np.nanmean(lnp) deviance_at_sample = -2 * (model.log_prior() + log_lh) pd = sample_deviance - deviance_at_sample dic = 2 * sample_deviance - deviance_at_sample"mean log_lh: %s, AIC: %s, DIC: %s, pd: %s", model.log_likelihood(y), 2 * ndim - 2 * log_lh, dic, pd) # median model.set_parameter_vector(samplmedian) log_lh = model.log_likelihood(y) # DIC sample_deviance = -2 * np.nanmedian(lnp) deviance_at_sample = -2 * (model.log_prior() + log_lh) dic = 2 * sample_deviance - deviance_at_sample pd = sample_deviance - deviance_at_sample"median log_lh: %s, AIC: %s, DIC: %s, pd: %s", model.log_likelihood(y), 2 * ndim - 2 * log_lh, dic, pd) # (4)--(6) in Ando2011 doi:10.1080/01966324.2011.10737798 pd_ando = 2 * (log_lh_mean - post_expect_loglh) ic5 = - 2 * post_expect_loglh + 2 * pd_ando ic6 = - 2 * post_expect_loglh + 2 * ndim"Ando2011: pd: %s, IC(5): %s, IC(6): %s", pd_ando, ic5, ic6) if return_logpost: return samples, lnp return samples