Source code for sciapy.level2.post_process

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2018 Stefan Bender
# This file is part of sciapy.
# sciapy is free software: you can redistribute it or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# See accompanying LICENSE file or
"""SCIAMACHY level 2 data post processing

Main script for SCIAMACHY orbital retrieval post processing
and data combining (to netcdf).

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import glob
import os
import argparse as ap
import datetime as dt
import logging
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
#import aacgmv2
#import apexpy

from astropy import units
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.utils import iers
import astropy.coordinates as coord

import sciapy.level1c as sl
from .. import __version__
from . import scia_akm as sa
from .igrf import gmag_igrf
from .aacgm2005 import gmag_aacgm2005
	from nrlmsise00 import msise_flat as msise
except ImportError:
	msise = None
	from .noem import noem_cpp
except ImportError:
	noem_cpp = None

F107_FILE = resource_filename("sciapy", "data/indices/f107_noontime_flux_obs.txt")
F107A_FILE = resource_filename("sciapy", "data/indices/f107a_noontime_flux_obs.txt")
AP_FILE = resource_filename("sciapy", "data/indices/spidr_ap_2000-2012.dat")
F107_ADJ_FILE = resource_filename("sciapy", "data/indices/spidr_f107_2000-2012.dat")
KP_FILE = resource_filename("sciapy", "data/indices/spidr_kp_2000-2012.dat")

PHI_FAC = 11.91
LST_FAC = -0.62

iers.conf.auto_download = False
iers.conf.auto_max_age = None
# Use a mirror page for the astrpy time data, see
# and
iers.conf.iers_auto_url = ""

[docs]def solar_zenith_angle(alt, lat, lon, time): atime = Time(time) loc = coord.EarthLocation.from_geodetic( height=alt *, lat=lat * units.deg, lon=lon * units.deg, ) altaz = coord.AltAz(location=loc, obstime=atime) sun = coord.get_sun(atime) return sun.transform_to(altaz).zen.value
[docs]def read_spectra(year, orbit, spec_base=None, skip_upleg=True): """Read and examine SCIAMACHY orbit spectra Reads the limb spactra and extracts the dates, times, latitudes, longitudes to be used to re-assess the retrieved geolocations. Parameters ---------- year: int The measurement year to select the corresponding subdir below `spec_base` (see below). orbit: int SCIAMACHY/Envisat orbit number of the spectra. spec_base: str, optional The root path to the level 1c spectra. Uses the current dir if not set or set to `None` (default). skip_upleg: bool, optional Skip upleg limb scans, i.e. night time scans. For NO retrievals, those are not used and should be not used here. Default: True Returns ------- (dts, times, lats, lons, mlsts, alsts, eotcorr) """ fail = (None,) * 7 if spec_base is None: spec_base = os.curdir spec_path = os.path.join(spec_base, "{0}".format(year)) spec_path2 = os.path.join(spec_base, "{0}".format(int(year) + 1)) logging.debug("spec_path: %s", spec_path) logging.debug("spec_path2: %s", spec_path) if not (os.path.isdir(spec_path) or os.path.isdir(spec_path2)): return fail # the star stands for the (optional) date subdir # to find all spectra for the orbit spfiles = glob.glob( '{0}/*/SCIA_limb_*_1_0_{1:05d}.dat.l_mpl_binary' .format(spec_path, orbit)) # sometimes for whatever reason the orbit ends up in the wrong year subdir # looks in the subdir for the following year as well. spfiles += glob.glob( '{0}/*/SCIA_limb_*_1_0_{1:05d}.dat.l_mpl_binary' .format(spec_path2, orbit)) if len(spfiles) < 2: return fail dts = [] times = [] lats = [] lons = [] mlsts = [] alsts = [] sls = sl.scia_limb_scan() for f in sorted(spfiles): sls.read_from_file(f) # copy the values from the l1c file lat, lon = sls.cent_lat_lon[:2] mlst, alst, eotcorr = sls.local_solar_time(False) tp_lats = sls.limb_data.tp_lat date = # debug output if requested logging.debug("file: %s", f) logging.debug("lat: %s, lon: %s", lat, lon) logging.debug("mlst: %s, alst: %s, eotcorr: %s", mlst, alst, eotcorr) logging.debug("tp_lats: %s", tp_lats) logging.debug("date: %s", date) if skip_upleg and ((tp_lats[1] - tp_lats[-2]) < 0.5): # Exclude non-downleg measurements where the latitude # of the last real tangent point (the last is dark sky) # is larger than or too close to the first latitude. # Requires an (empirical) separation of +0.5 degree. logging.debug("excluding upleg point at: %s, %s", lat, lon) continue dtdate = pd.to_datetime(dt.datetime(*date), utc=True) time_hour = dtdate.hour + dtdate.minute / 60.0 + dtdate.second / 3600.0 logging.debug("mean lst: %s, apparent lst: %s, EoT: %s", mlst, alst, eotcorr) dts.append(dtdate) times.append(time_hour) lats.append(lat) lons.append(lon) mlsts.append(mlst) alsts.append(alst) if len(lats) < 2: # interpolation will fail with less than 2 points return fail return (np.asarray(dts), np.asarray(times), np.asarray(lats), np.asarray(lons), np.asarray(mlsts), np.asarray(alsts), eotcorr)
def _get_orbit_ds(filename): # >= 1.5 (NO-v1.5) columns = [ "id", "alt_max", "alt", "alt_min", "lat_max", "lat", "lat_min", "lons", "densities", "dens_err_meas", "dens_err_tot", "dens_tot", "apriori", "akdiag", ] # peek at the first line to extract the number of columns with open(filename, 'rb') as _f: ncols = len(_f.readline().split()) # reduce the columns depending on the retrieval version # default is >= 1.5 (NO-v1.5) if ncols < 16: # < 1.5 (NO_emiss-183-gcaa9349) columns.remove("akdiag") if ncols < 15: # < 1.0 (NO_emiss-178-g729efb0) columns.remove("apriori") if ncols < 14: # initial output << v1.0 columns.remove("lons") sdd_pd = pd.read_table(filename, header=None, names=columns, skiprows=1, sep='\s+') sdd_pd = sdd_pd.set_index("id") logging.debug("orbit ds: %s", sdd_pd.to_xarray()) ind = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [, sdd_pd.alt], names=["lats", "alts"], ) sdd_ds = xr.Dataset.from_dataframe(sdd_pd).assign(id=ind).unstack("id") logging.debug("orbit dataset: %s", sdd_ds) sdd_ds["lons"] = sdd_ds.lons.mean("alts") sdd_ds.load() logging.debug("orbit ds 2: %s", sdd_ds.stack(id=["lats", "alts"]).reset_index("id")) return sdd_ds class _circ_interp(object): """Interpolation on a circle""" def __init__(self, x, y, **kw): self.c_intpf = interp1d(x, np.cos(y), **kw) self.s_intpf = interp1d(x, np.sin(y), **kw) def __call__(self, x): return np.arctan2(self.s_intpf(x), self.c_intpf(x))
[docs]def process_orbit( orbit, ref_date="2000-01-01", dens_path=None, spec_base=None, use_msis=True, ): """Post process retrieved SCIAMACHY orbit Parameters ---------- orbit: int SCIAMACHY/Envisat orbit number of the results to process. ref_date: str, optional Base date to calculate the relative days from, of the format "%Y-%m-%d". Default: 2000-01-01 dens_path: str, optional The path to the level 2 data. Uses the current dir if not set or set to `None` (default). spec_base: str, optional The root path to the level 1c spectra. Uses the current dir if not set or set to `None` (default). Returns ------- (dts0, time0, lst0, lon0, sdd): tuple dts0 - days since ref_date at equator crossing (float) time0 - utc hour into the day at equator crossing (float) lst0 - apparent local solar time at the equator (float) lon0 - longitude of the equator crossing (float) sdd - `scia_density_pp` instance of the post-processed data """ def _read_gm(fname): return dict(np.genfromtxt(fname, usecols=[0, 2], dtype=None)) fail = (None,) * 5 logging.debug("processing orbit: %s", orbit) dtrefdate = pd.to_datetime(ref_date, format="%Y-%m-%d", utc=True) logging.debug("ref date: %s", dtrefdate) dfiles = glob.glob( "{0}/000NO_orbit_{1:05d}_*_Dichten.txt" .format(dens_path, orbit)) if len(dfiles) < 1: return fail logging.debug("dfiles: %s", dfiles) logging.debug("splits: %s", [fn.split('/') for fn in dfiles]) ddict = dict([ (fn, (fn.split('/')[-3:-1] + fn.split('/')[-1].split('_')[3:4])) for fn in dfiles ]) logging.debug("ddict: %s", ddict) year = ddict[sorted(ddict.keys())[0]][-1][:4] logging.debug("year: %s", year) dts, times, lats, lons, mlsts, alsts, eotcorr = \ read_spectra(year, orbit, spec_base) if dts is None: # return early if reading the spectra failed return fail dts = pd.to_datetime(dts, utc=True) - dtrefdate dts = np.array([dtd.days + dtd.seconds / 86400. for dtd in dts]) logging.debug("lats: %s, lons: %s, times: %s", lats, lons, times) sdd = _get_orbit_ds(dfiles[0]) logging.debug("density lats: %s, lons: %s", sdd.lats, sdd.lons) # Re-interpolates the location (longitude) and times from the # limb scan spectra files along the orbit to determine the values # at the Equator and to fill in possibly missing data. # # y values are unit circle angles in radians (0 < phi < 2 pi or -pi < phi < pi) # longitudes lons_intpf = _circ_interp( lats[::-1], np.radians(lons[::-1]), fill_value="extrapolate", ) # apparent local solar time (EoT corrected) lst_intpf = _circ_interp( lats[::-1], np.pi / 12. * alsts[::-1], fill_value="extrapolate", ) # mean local solar time mst_intpf = _circ_interp( lats[::-1], np.pi / 12. * mlsts[::-1], fill_value="extrapolate", ) # utc time (day) time_intpf = _circ_interp( lats[::-1], np.pi / 12. * times[::-1], fill_value="extrapolate", ) # datetime dts_retr_interpf = interp1d(lats[::-1], dts[::-1], fill_value="extrapolate") # equator values lon0 = np.degrees(lons_intpf(0.)) % 360. lst0 = (lst_intpf(0.) * 12. / np.pi) % 24. mst0 = (mst_intpf(0.) * 12. / np.pi) % 24. time0 = (time_intpf(0.) * 12. / np.pi) % 24. dts_retr_interp0 = dts_retr_interpf(0.) logging.debug("utc day at equator: %s", dts_retr_interp0) logging.debug("mean LST at equator: %s, apparent LST at equator: %s", mst0, lst0) sdd["utc_hour"] = ("lats", (time_intpf(sdd.lats) * 12. / np.pi) % 24.) sdd["utc_days"] = ("lats", dts_retr_interpf(sdd.lats)) if "lons" not in sdd.data_vars: # recalculate the longitudes # estimate the equatorial longitude from the # limb scan latitudes and longitudes lon0s_tp = lons - PHI_FAC * np.tan(np.radians(lats)) clon0s_tp = np.cos(np.radians(lon0s_tp)) slon0s_tp = np.sin(np.radians(lon0s_tp)) lon0_tp = np.arctan2(np.sum(slon0s_tp[1:-1]), np.sum(clon0s_tp[1:-1])) lon0_tp = np.degrees((lon0_tp + 2. * np.pi) % (2. * np.pi))"lon0: %s", lon0)"lon0 tp: %s", lon0_tp) # interpolate to the retrieval latitudes tg_retr_lats = np.tan(np.radians(sdd.lats)) calc_lons = (tg_retr_lats * PHI_FAC + lon0) % 360. calc_lons_tp = (tg_retr_lats * PHI_FAC + lon0_tp) % 360. sdd["lons"] = calc_lons_tp logging.debug("(calculated) retrieval lons: %s, %s", calc_lons, calc_lons_tp) else: # sdd.lons = sdd.lons % 360. logging.debug("(original) retrieval lons: %s", sdd.lons) sdd["mst"] = (sdd.utc_hour + sdd.lons / 15.) % 24. sdd["lst"] = sdd.mst + eotcorr / 60. mean_alt_km = sdd.alts.mean() dt_date_this = dt.timedelta(dts_retr_interp0.item()) + dtrefdate"date: %s", dt_date_this) gmlats, gmlons = gmag_igrf(dt_date_this, sdd.lats, sdd.lons, alt=mean_alt_km) # gmlats, gmlons = apexpy.Apex(dt_date_this).geo2qd(sdd.lats, sdd.lons, mean_alt_km) sdd["gm_lats"] = gmlats sdd["gm_lons"] = gmlons logging.debug("geomag. lats: %s, lons: %s", sdd.gm_lats, sdd.gm_lons) aacgmgmlats, aacgmgmlons = gmag_aacgm2005(sdd.lats, sdd.lons) # aacgmgmlats, aacgmgmlons = aacgmv2.convert(sdd.lats, sdd.lons, mean_alt_km, dt_date_this) sdd["aacgm_gm_lats"] = ("lats", aacgmgmlats) sdd["aacgm_gm_lons"] = ("lats", aacgmgmlons) logging.debug("aacgm geomag. lats: %s, lons: %s", sdd.aacgm_gm_lats, sdd.aacgm_gm_lons) # current day for MSIS input f107_data = _read_gm(F107_FILE) f107a_data = _read_gm(F107A_FILE) ap_data = _read_gm(AP_FILE) msis_dtdate = dt.timedelta(dts_retr_interp0.item()) + dtrefdate msis_dtdate1 = msis_dtdate - dt.timedelta(days=1) msis_date = msis_dtdate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d").encode() msis_date1 = msis_dtdate1.strftime("%Y-%m-%d").encode() msis_f107 = f107_data[msis_date1] msis_f107a = f107a_data[msis_date] msis_ap = ap_data[msis_date] logging.debug("MSIS date: %s, f10.7a: %s, f10.7: %s, ap: %s", msis_date, msis_f107a, msis_f107, msis_ap) # previous day for NOEM input f107_adj = _read_gm(F107_ADJ_FILE) kp_data = _read_gm(KP_FILE) noem_dtdate = dt.timedelta(dts_retr_interp0.item() - 1) + dtrefdate noem_date = noem_dtdate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d").encode() noem_f107 = f107_adj[noem_date] noem_kp = kp_data[noem_date] logging.debug("NOEM date: %s, f10.7: %s, kp: %s", noem_date, noem_f107, noem_kp) for var in ["noem_no"]: if var not in sdd.data_vars: sdd[var] = xr.zeros_like(sdd.densities) if "sza" not in sdd.data_vars: sdd["sza"] = xr.zeros_like(sdd.lats) if "akdiag" not in sdd.data_vars: sdd["akdiag"] = xr.full_like(sdd.densities, np.nan) #akm_filename = glob.glob('{0}_orbit_{1:05d}_*_AKM*'.format(species, orb))[0] akm_filename = glob.glob( "{0}/000NO_orbit_{1:05d}_*_AKM*" .format(dens_path, orbit))[0] logging.debug("ak file: %s", akm_filename) ak = sa.read_akm(akm_filename, sdd.nalt, sdd.nlat) logging.debug("ak data: %s", ak) #ak1a = ak.sum(axis = 3) #dak1a = np.diagonal(ak1a, axis1=0, axis2=2) sdd["akdiag"] = ak.diagonal(axis1=1, axis2=3).diagonal(axis1=0, axis2=1) if msise is not None: _msis_d_t = msise( msis_dtdate, sdd.alts.values[None, :], sdd.lats.values[:, None], sdd.lons.values[:, None] % 360., msis_f107a, msis_f107, msis_ap, lst=sdd.lst.values[:, None], ) if "temperature" not in sdd.data_vars or use_msis: sdd["temperature"] = xr.zeros_like(sdd.densities) sdd.temperature[:] = _msis_d_t[:, :, -1] if "dens_tot" not in sdd.data_vars or use_msis: sdd["dens_tot"] = xr.zeros_like(sdd.densities) sdd.dens_tot[:] = np.sum(_msis_d_t[:, :, np.r_[:5, 6:9]], axis=2) for i, (lat, lon) in enumerate( zip(sdd.lats.values, sdd.lons.values)): if noem_cpp is not None: sdd.noem_no[i] = noem_cpp(noem_date.decode(), sdd.alts, [lat], [lon], noem_f107, noem_kp)[:] else: sdd.noem_no[i][:] = np.nan sdd.sza[:] = solar_zenith_angle( mean_alt_km, sdd.lats, sdd.lons, (pd.to_timedelta(sdd.utc_days.values, unit="days") + dtrefdate).to_pydatetime(), ) sdd["vmr"] = sdd.densities / sdd.dens_tot * 1.e9 # ppb # drop unused variables sdd = sdd.drop(["alt_min", "alt", "alt_max", "lat_min", "lat", "lat_max"]) # time and orbit sdd = sdd.expand_dims("time") sdd["time"] = ("time", [dts_retr_interp0]) sdd["orbit"] = ("time", [orbit]) return dts_retr_interp0, time0, lst0, lon0, sdd
[docs]def get_orbits_from_date(date, mlt=False, path=None, L2_version="v6.2"): """Find SCIAMACHY orbits with retrieved data at a date Parameters ---------- date: str The date in the format "%Y-%m-%d". mlt: bool, optional Look for MLT mode data instead of nominal mode data. Increases the heuristics to find all MLT orbits. path: str, optional The path to the level 2 data. If `None` tries to infer the data directory from the L2 version using `./*<L2_version>`. Default: None Returns ------- orbits: list List of found orbits with retrieved data files """ logging.debug("pre-processing: %s", date) if path is None: density_base = os.curdir path = "{0}/*{1}".format(density_base, L2_version) logging.debug("path: %s", path) dfiles = glob.glob("{0}/000NO_orbit_*_{1}_Dichten.txt".format( path, date.replace("-", ""))) orbits = sorted([int(os.path.basename(df).split('_')[2]) for df in dfiles]) if mlt: orbits.append(orbits[-1] + 1) return orbits
[docs]def combine_orbit_data(orbits, ref_date="2000-01-01", L2_version="v6.2", dens_path=None, spec_base=None, save_nc=False): """Combine post-processed SCIAMACHY retrieved orbit data Parameters ---------- orbits: list List of SCIAMACHY/Envisat orbit numbers to process. ref_date: str, optional Base date to calculate the relative days from, of the format "%Y-%m-%d". Default: 2000-01-01 L2_version: str, optional SCIAMACHY level 2 data version to process dens_path: str, optional The path to the level 2 data. If `None` tries to infer the data directory from the L2 version looking for anything in the current directory that ends in <L2_version>: `./*<L2_version>`. Default: None spec_base: str, optional The root path to the level 1c spectra. Uses the current dir if not set or set to `None` (default). save_nc: bool, optional Save the intermediate orbit data sets to netcdf files for debugging. Returns ------- (sdday, sdday_ds): tuple `sdday` contains the combined data as a `scia_density_day` instance, `sdday_ds` contains the same data as a `xarray.Dataset`. """ if dens_path is None: # try some heuristics density_base = os.curdir dens_path = "{0}/*{1}".format(density_base, L2_version) sddayl = [] for orbit in sorted(orbits): dateo, timeo, lsto, lono, sdens = process_orbit(orbit, ref_date=ref_date, dens_path=dens_path, spec_base=spec_base) "orbit: %s, eq. date: %s, eq. hour: %s, eq. app. lst: %s, eq. lon: %s", orbit, dateo, timeo, lsto, lono ) if sdens is not None: sddayl.append(sdens) if save_nc: sdens.to_netcdf(sdens.filename[:-3] + "nc") if not sddayl: return None return xr.concat(sddayl, dim="time")
VAR_ATTRS = { "2.1": { "MSIS_Dens": dict( units='cm^{-3}', long_name='total number density (NRLMSIS-00)', ), "MSIS_Temp": dict( units='K', long_name='temperature', model="NRLMSIS-00", ), }, "2.2": { }, "2.3": { "aacgm_gm_lats": dict( long_name='geomagnetic_latitude', model='AACGM2005 at 80 km', units='degrees_north', ), "aacgm_gm_lons": dict( long_name='geomagnetic_longitude', model='AACGM2005 at 80 km', units='degrees_east', ), "orbit": dict( axis='T', calendar='standard', long_name='SCIAMACHY/Envisat orbit number', standard_name="orbit", units='1', ), }, } VAR_RENAME = { "2.1": { # Rename to v2.1 variable names "MSIS_Dens": "TOT_DENS", "MSIS_Temp": "temperature", }, "2.2": { }, "2.3": { }, } FLOAT_VARS = [ "altitude", "latitude", "longitude", "app_LST", "mean_LST", "mean_SZA", "aacgm_gm_lats", "aacgm_gm_lons", "gm_lats", "gm_lons", ]
[docs]def sddata_set_attrs( sdday_ds, file_version="2.2", ref_date="2000-01-01", rename=True, species="NO", ): """Customize xarray Dataset variables and attributes Changes the variable names to match those exported from the `scia_density_day` class. Parameters ---------- sdday_ds: `xarray.Dataset` instance The combined dataset. file_version: string "major.minor", optional The netcdf file datase version, determines some variable names and attributes. ref_date: str, optional Base date to calculate the relative days from, of the format "%Y-%m-%d". Default: 2000-01-01 rename: bool, optional Rename the dataset variables to match the `scia_density_day` exported ones. Default: True species: str, optional The name of the level 2 species, used to prefix the dataset variables to be named <species>_<variable>. Default: "NO". """ if rename: sdday_ds = sdday_ds.rename({ # 2d vars "akdiag": "{0}_AKDIAG".format(species), "apriori": "{0}_APRIORI".format(species), "densities": "{0}_DENS".format(species), "dens_err_meas": "{0}_ERR".format(species), "dens_err_tot": "{0}_ETOT".format(species), "dens_tot": "MSIS_Dens", "noem_no": "{0}_NOEM".format(species), "temperature": "MSIS_Temp", "vmr": "{0}_VMR".format(species), # 1d vars and dimensions "alts": "altitude", "lats": "latitude", "lons": "longitude", "lst": "app_LST", "mst": "mean_LST", "sza": "mean_SZA", "utc_hour": "UTC", }) # relative standard deviation sdday_ds["{0}_RSTD".format(species)] = 100.0 * np.abs( sdday_ds["{0}_ERR".format(species)] / sdday_ds["{0}_DENS".format(species)]) # fix coordinate attributes sdday_ds["time"].attrs = dict(axis='T', standard_name='time', calendar='standard', long_name='equatorial crossing time', units="days since {0}".format( pd.to_datetime(ref_date, utc=True).isoformat(sep=" "))) sdday_ds["altitude"].attrs = dict(axis='Z', positive='up', long_name='altitude', standard_name='altitude', units='km') sdday_ds["latitude"].attrs = dict(axis='Y', long_name='latitude', standard_name='latitude', units='degrees_north') # Default variable attributes sdday_ds["{0}_DENS".format(species)].attrs = { "units": "cm^{-3}", "long_name": "{0} number density".format(species)} sdday_ds["{0}_ERR".format(species)].attrs = { "units": "cm^{-3}", "long_name": "{0} density measurement error".format(species)} sdday_ds["{0}_ETOT".format(species)].attrs = { "units": "cm^{-3}", "long_name": "{0} density total error".format(species)} sdday_ds["{0}_RSTD".format(species)].attrs = dict( units='%', long_name='{0} relative standard deviation'.format(species)) sdday_ds["{0}_AKDIAG".format(species)].attrs = dict( units='1', long_name='{0} averaging kernel diagonal element'.format(species)) sdday_ds["{0}_APRIORI".format(species)].attrs = dict( units='cm^{-3}', long_name='{0} apriori density'.format(species)) sdday_ds["{0}_NOEM".format(species)].attrs = dict( units='cm^{-3}', long_name='NOEM {0} number density'.format(species)) sdday_ds["{0}_VMR".format(species)].attrs = dict( units='ppb', long_name='{0} volume mixing ratio'.format(species)) sdday_ds["MSIS_Dens"].attrs = dict(units='cm^{-3}', long_name='MSIS total number density', model="NRLMSIS-00") sdday_ds["MSIS_Temp"].attrs = dict(units='K', long_name='MSIS temperature', model="NRLMSIS-00") sdday_ds["longitude"].attrs = dict(long_name='longitude', standard_name='longitude', units='degrees_east') sdday_ds["app_LST"].attrs = dict(units='hours', long_name='apparent local solar time') sdday_ds["mean_LST"].attrs = dict(units='hours', long_name='mean local solar time') sdday_ds["mean_SZA"].attrs = dict(units='degrees', long_name='solar zenith angle at mean altitude') sdday_ds["UTC"].attrs = dict(units='hours', long_name='measurement utc time') sdday_ds["utc_days"].attrs = dict( units='days since {0}'.format( pd.to_datetime(ref_date, utc=True).isoformat(sep=" ")), long_name='measurement utc day') sdday_ds["gm_lats"].attrs = dict(long_name='geomagnetic_latitude', model='IGRF', units='degrees_north') sdday_ds["gm_lons"].attrs = dict(long_name='geomagnetic_longitude', model='IGRF', units='degrees_east') sdday_ds["aacgm_gm_lats"].attrs = dict(long_name='geomagnetic_latitude', # model='AACGM2005 80 km', # v2.3 model='AACGM', # v2.1, v2.2 units='degrees_north') sdday_ds["aacgm_gm_lons"].attrs = dict(long_name='geomagnetic_longitude', # model='AACGM2005 80 km', # v2.3 model='AACGM', # v2.1, v2.2 units='degrees_east') sdday_ds["orbit"].attrs = dict( axis='T', calendar='standard', # long_name='SCIAMACHY/Envisat orbit number', # v2.3 long_name='orbit', # v2.1, v2.2 standard_name="orbit", # units='1', # v2.3 units='orbit number', # v2.1, v2.2 ) # Overwrite version-specific variable attributes for _v, _a in VAR_ATTRS[file_version].items(): sdday_ds[_v].attrs = _a if rename: # version specific renaming sdday_ds = sdday_ds.rename(VAR_RENAME[file_version]) if int(file_version.split(".")[0]) < 3: # invert latitudes for backwards-compatitbility sdday_ds = sdday_ds.sortby("latitude", ascending=False) else: sdday_ds = sdday_ds.sortby("latitude", ascending=True) # for var in FLOAT_VARS: # _attrs = sdday_ds[var].attrs # sdday_ds[var] = sdday_ds[var].astype('float32') # sdday_ds[var].attrs = _attrs dateo = pd.to_datetime( xr.conventions.decode_cf(sdday_ds[["time"]])[0], utc=True, ).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") logging.debug("date %s dataset: %s", dateo, sdday_ds) return sdday_ds
[docs]def main(): """SCIAMACHY level 2 post processing """ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format="[%(levelname)-8s] (%(asctime)s) " "%(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z") parser = ap.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("file", default="", help="the filename of the output netcdf file") parser.add_argument("-M", "--month", metavar="YEAR-MM", help="infer start and end dates for month") parser.add_argument("-D", "--date_range", metavar="START_DATE:END_DATE", help="colon-separated start and end dates") parser.add_argument("-d", "--dates", help="comma-separated list of dates") parser.add_argument("-B", "--base_date", metavar="YEAR-MM-DD", default="2000-01-01", help="Reference date to base the time values (days) on " "(default: %(default)s).") parser.add_argument("-f", "--orbit_file", help="the file containing the input orbits") parser.add_argument("-r", "--retrieval_version", default="v6.2", help="SCIAMACHY level 2 data version to process") parser.add_argument("-R", "--file_version", default="2.2", help="Postprocessing format version of the output file") parser.add_argument("-A", "--author", default="unknown", help="Author of the post-processed data set " "(default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument("-p", "--path", default=None, help="path containing the L2 data") parser.add_argument("-s", "--spectra", default=None, metavar="PATH", help="path containing the L1c spectra") parser.add_argument("-m", "--mlt", action="store_true", default=False, help="indicate nominal (False, default) or MLT data (True)") parser.add_argument("-X", "--xarray", action="store_true", default=False, help="DEPRECATED, kept for compatibility reasons, does nothing.") loglevels = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() loglevels.add_argument("-l", "--loglevel", default="WARNING", choices=['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'], help="change the loglevel (default: 'WARNING')") loglevels.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", default=False, help="less output, same as --loglevel=ERROR (default: False)") loglevels.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="verbose output, same as --loglevel=INFO (default: False)") args = parser.parse_args() if args.quiet: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) elif args.verbose: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) else: logging.getLogger().setLevel(args.loglevel)"processing L2 version: %s", args.retrieval_version)"writing data file version: %s", args.file_version) pddrange = [] if args.month is not None: d0 = pd.to_datetime(args.month + "-01", utc=True) pddrange.extend(pd.date_range(d0, d0 + pd.tseries.offsets.MonthEnd())) if args.date_range is not None: pddrange.extend(pd.date_range(*args.date_range.split(':'))) if args.dates is not None: pddrange.extend(pd.to_datetime(args.dates.split(','), utc=True)) logging.debug("pddrange: %s", pddrange) olist = [] for date in pddrange: try: olist += get_orbits_from_date(date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), mlt=args.mlt, path=args.path, L2_version=args.retrieval_version) except: # handle NaT pass if args.orbit_file is not None: olist += np.genfromtxt(args.orbit_file, dtype=np.int32).tolist() logging.debug("olist: %s", olist) if not olist: logging.warn("No orbits to process.") return sd_xr = combine_orbit_data(olist, ref_date=args.base_date, L2_version=args.retrieval_version, dens_path=args.path, spec_base=args.spectra, save_nc=False) if sd_xr is None: logging.warn("Processed data is empty.") return sd_xr = sddata_set_attrs(sd_xr, ref_date=args.base_date, file_version=args.file_version) sd_xr = sd_xr[sorted(sd_xr.variables)] sd_xr.attrs["author"] = sd_xr.attrs["creation_time"] = dt.datetime.utcnow().strftime( "%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S +00:00 (UTC)") sd_xr.attrs["software"] = "sciapy {0}".format(__version__) sd_xr.attrs["L2_data_version"] = args.retrieval_version sd_xr.attrs["version"] = args.file_version logging.debug(sd_xr) sd_xr.to_netcdf(args.file, unlimited_dims=["time"])
if __name__ == "__main__": main()