Source code for sciapy.level2.igrf

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# Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Stefan Bender
# This file is part of sciapy.
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"""IGRF geomagnetic coordinates

This is a python (mix) version of GMPOLE and GMCOORD from
to transform geodetic to geomagnetic coordinates.
It uses the IGRF 2012 model and coefficients [#]_.

.. [#] Thébault et al. 2015,
	International Geomagnetic Reference Field: the 12th generation.
	Earth, Planets and Space, 67 (79)
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import logging
from collections import namedtuple
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.special import lpmn

__all__ = ['gmpole', 'gmag_igrf']

# The WGS84 reference ellipsoid
Earth_ellipsoid = {
	"a": 6378.137,  # semi-major axis of the ellipsoid in km
	"b": 6356.7523142,  # semi-minor axis of the ellipsoid in km
	"fla": 1. / 298.257223563,  # flattening
	"re": 6371.2  # Earth's radius in km

def _ellipsoid(ellipsoid_data=Earth_ellipsoid):
	# extends the dictionary with the eccentricities
	ell = namedtuple('ellip', ["a", "b", "fla", "eps", "epssq", "re"])
	ell.a = ellipsoid_data["a"]
	ell.b = ellipsoid_data["b"]
	ell.fla = ellipsoid_data["fla"] = ellipsoid_data["re"]
	# first eccentricity squared
	ell.epssq = 1. - ell.b**2 / ell.a**2
	# first eccentricity
	ell.eps = np.sqrt(ell.epssq)
	return ell

def _date_to_frac_year(year, month, day):
	# fractional year by dividing the day of year by the overall
	# number of days in that year
	extraday = 0
	if ((year % 4 == 0) and (year % 100 != 0)) or (year % 400 == 0):
		extraday = 1
	month_days = [0, 31, 28 + extraday, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
	doy = np.sum(month_days[:month]) + day
	return year + (doy - 1) / (365.0 + extraday)

def _load_igrf_file(filename=""):
	"""Load IGRF coefficients

	filename: str, optional
		The file with the IGRF coefficients.

	interpol: `scipy.interpolate.interp1d` instance
		Interpolator instance, called with the fractional
		year to obtain the IGRF coefficients for the epoch.
	igrf_tab = np.genfromtxt(filename, skip_header=3, dtype=None)

	sv = igrf_tab[igrf_tab.dtype.names[-1]][1:].astype(np.float64)

	years = np.asarray(igrf_tab[0].tolist()[3:-1])
	years = np.append(years, [years[-1] + 5])

	coeffs = []
	for i in range(1, len(igrf_tab)):
		coeff = np.asarray(igrf_tab[i].tolist()[3:-1])
		coeff = np.append(coeff, np.array([5]) * sv[0] + coeff[-1])

	return interp1d(years, coeffs)

def _geod_to_spher(phi, lon, Ellip, HeightAboveEllipsoid=0.):
	"""Convert geodetic to spherical coordinates

	Converts geodetic coordinates on the WGS-84 reference ellipsoid
	to Earth-centered Earth-fixed Cartesian coordinates,
	and then to spherical coordinates.
	CosLat = np.cos(np.radians(phi))
	SinLat = np.sin(np.radians(phi))

	# compute the local radius of curvature on the WGS-84 reference ellipsoid
	rc = Ellip.a / np.sqrt(1.0 - Ellip.epssq * SinLat**2)

	# compute ECEF Cartesian coordinates of specified point (for longitude=0)
	xp = (rc + HeightAboveEllipsoid) * CosLat
	zp = (rc * (1.0 - Ellip.epssq) + HeightAboveEllipsoid) * SinLat

	# compute spherical radius and angle phi of specified point
	rg = np.sqrt(xp**2 + zp**2)
	# geocentric latitude
	phig = np.degrees(np.arcsin(zp / rg))
	return phig, lon, rg

def _igrf_model(coeffs, Lmax, r, theta, phi, R_E=Earth_ellipsoid["re"]):
	"""Evaluates the IGRF model function at the given location
	rho = R_E / r
	sin_theta = np.sin(theta)
	cos_theta = np.cos(theta)
	Plm, dPlm = lpmn(Lmax, Lmax, cos_theta)
	logging.debug("R_E: %s, r: %s, rho: %s", R_E, r, rho)
	logging.debug("rho: %s, theta: %s, sin_theta: %s, cos_theta: %s",
			rho, theta, sin_theta, cos_theta)
	Bx, By, Bz = 0., 0., 0.  # Btheta, Bphi, Br
	idx = 0
	rho_l = rho
	K_l1 = 1.
	for l in range(1, Lmax + 1):
		rho_l *= rho  # rho^(l+1)
		# m = 0 values, h_l^m = 0
		Bxl = rho_l * coeffs[idx] * dPlm[0, l] * (-sin_theta)
		Byl = 0.
		Bzl = -(l + 1) * rho_l * coeffs[idx] * Plm[0, l]
		if l > 1:
			K_l1 *= np.sqrt((l - 1) / (l + 1))
		idx += 1
		K_lm = -K_l1
		for m in range(1, l + 1):
			cfi = K_lm * rho_l * (coeffs[idx] * np.cos(m * phi)
						+ coeffs[idx + 1] * np.sin(m * phi))
			Bxl += cfi * dPlm[m, l] * (-sin_theta)
			Bzl += -(l + 1) * cfi * Plm[m, l]
			if sin_theta != 0:
				Byl += K_lm * rho_l * m * Plm[m, l] * (
						- coeffs[idx] * np.sin(m * phi) +
						coeffs[idx + 1] * np.cos(m * phi))
				Byl += 0.
			if m < l:
				# K_lm for the next m
				K_lm /= -np.sqrt((l + m + 1) * (l - m))
			idx += 2
		Bx += Bxl
		By += Byl
		Bz += Bzl
	Bx = rho * Bx
	By = -rho * By / sin_theta
	Bz = rho * Bz
	return Bx, By, Bz

def igrf_mag(date, lat, lon, alt, filename=""):
	"""Evaluate the local magnetic field using the IGRF model

	Evaluates the IGRF coefficients to calculate the Earth's
	magnetic field at the given location.
	The results agree to within a few decimal places with

	date: `` or `datetime.datetime` instance
		The date for the evaluation.
	lat: float
		Geographic latitude in degrees north
	lon: float
		Geographic longitude in degrees east
	alt: float
		Altitude above ground in km.
	filename: str, optional
		File containing the IGRF coefficients.

	Bx: float
		Northward component of the magnetic field, B_N.
	By: float
		Eastward component of the magnetic field, B_E.
	Bz: float
		Downward component of the magnetic field, B_D.
	ellip = _ellipsoid()
	# date should be datetime.datetime or instance,
	# or something else that provides .year, .month, and .day attributes
	frac_year = _date_to_frac_year(date.year, date.month,
	glat, glon, grad = _geod_to_spher(lat, lon, ellip, alt)
	sin_theta = np.sin(np.radians(90. - glat))
	cos_theta = np.cos(np.radians(90. - glat))

	rho = np.sqrt((ellip.a * sin_theta)**2 + (ellip.b * cos_theta)**2)
	r = np.sqrt(alt**2 + 2 * alt * rho +
			(ellip.a**4 * sin_theta**2 + ellip.b**4 * cos_theta**2) / rho**2)
	cd = (alt + rho) / r
	sd = (ellip.a**2 - ellip.b**2) / rho * cos_theta * sin_theta / r
	logging.debug("rho: %s, r: %s, (alt + rho) / r: %s, R_E / (R_E + h): %s, R_E / r: %s",
			rho, r, cd, / ( + alt), / r)

	cos_theta, sin_theta = cos_theta*cd - sin_theta*sd, sin_theta*cd + cos_theta*sd
	logging.debug("r: %s, spherical coordinates (radius, rho, theta, lat): %s, %s, %s, %s",
			r, grad, rho, np.degrees(np.arccos(cos_theta)), 90. - glat)

	# evaluate the IGRF model in spherical coordinates
	igrf_file = resource_filename(__name__, filename)
	igrf_coeffs = _load_igrf_file(igrf_file)(frac_year)
	Bx, By, Bz = _igrf_model(igrf_coeffs, 13, r, np.radians(90. - glat), np.radians(glon))
	logging.debug("spherical geomagnetic field (Bx, By, Bz): %s, %s, %s", Bx, By, Bz)
	logging.debug("spherical dip coordinates: lat %s, lon %s",
			np.degrees(np.arctan2(0.5 * Bz,  np.sqrt(Bx**2 + By**2))),
			np.degrees(np.arctan2(-By, Bz)))
	# back to geodetic coordinates
	Bx, Bz = cd * Bx + sd * Bz, cd * Bz - sd * Bx
	logging.debug("geodetic geomagnetic field (Bx, By, Bz): %s, %s, %s", Bx, By, Bz)
	logging.debug("geodetic dip coordinates: lat %s, lon %s",
			np.degrees(np.arctan2(0.5 * Bz, np.sqrt(Bx**2 + By**2))),
			np.degrees(np.arctan2(-By, Bz)))
	return Bx, By, Bz

[docs]def gmpole(date, r_e=Earth_ellipsoid["re"], filename=""): """Centered dipole geomagnetic pole coordinates Parameters ---------- date: datetime.datetime or r_e: float, optional Earth radius to evaluate the dipole's off-centre shift. filename: str, optional File containing the IGRF parameters. Returns ------- (lat_n, phi_n): tuple of floats Geographic latitude and longitude of the centered dipole magnetic north pole. (lat_s, phi_s): tuple of floats Geographic latitude and longitude of the centered dipole magnetic south pole. (dx, dy, dz): tuple of floats Magnetic variations in Earth-centered Cartesian coordinates for shifting the dipole off-center. (dX, dY, dZ): tuple of floats Magnetic variations in centered-dipole Cartesian coordinates for shifting the dipole off-center. B_0: float The magnitude of the magnetic field. """ igrf_file = resource_filename(__name__, filename) gh_func = _load_igrf_file(igrf_file) frac_year = _date_to_frac_year(date.year, date.month, logging.debug("fractional year: %s", frac_year) g10, g11, h11, g20, g21, h21, g22, h22 = gh_func(frac_year)[:8] # This function finds the location of the north magnetic pole in spherical coordinates. # The equations are from Wallace H. Campbell's "Introduction to Geomagnetic Fields" # and Fraser-Smith 1987, Eq. (5). # For the minus signs see also # Laundal and Richmond, Space Sci. Rev. (2017) 206:27--59, # doi:10.1007/s11214-016-0275-y: (p. 31) # "The Earth’s field is such that the dipole axis points roughly southward, # so that the dipole North Pole is really in the Southern Hemisphere (SH). # However convention dictates that the axis of the geomagnetic dipole is # positive northward, hence the negative sign in the definition of mˆ." # Note that hence Phi_N in their Eq. (14) is actually Phi_S. B_0_sq = g10**2 + g11**2 + h11**2 theta_n = np.arccos(-g10 / np.sqrt(B_0_sq)) phi_n = np.arctan2(-h11, -g11) lat_n = 0.5 * np.pi - theta_n logging.debug("centered dipole north pole coordinates " "(lat, theta, phi): %s, %s, %s", np.degrees(lat_n), np.degrees(theta_n), np.degrees(phi_n)) # dipole offset according to Fraser-Smith, 1987 L_0 = 2 * g10 * g20 + np.sqrt(3) * (g11 * g21 + h11 * h21) L_1 = -g11 * g20 + np.sqrt(3) * (g10 * g21 + g11 * g22 + h11 * h22) L_2 = -h11 * g20 + np.sqrt(3) * (g10 * h21 - h11 * g22 + g11 * h22) E = (L_0 * g10 + L_1 * g11 + L_2 * h11) / (4 * B_0_sq) # dipole offset in geodetic Cartesian coordinates xi = (L_0 - g10 * E) / (3 * B_0_sq) eta = (L_1 - g11 * E) / (3 * B_0_sq) zeta = (L_2 - h11 * E) / (3 * B_0_sq) dx = eta * r_e dy = zeta * r_e dz = xi * r_e logging.debug("dx, dy, dz: %s, %s, %s", dx, dy, dz) # dipole offset in geodetic spherical coordinates # Fraser-Smith 1987, Eq. (24) delta = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2) theta_d = np.arccos(dz / delta) lambda_d = 0.5 * np.pi - theta_d phi_d = np.arctan2(dy, dx) logging.debug( "delta: %s, theta_d: %s, phi_d: %s", delta, np.degrees(theta_d), np.degrees(phi_d), ) # dipole offset in centred-dipole spherical coordindates sin_lat_ed = (np.sin(lambda_d) * np.sin(lat_n) + np.cos(lambda_d) * np.cos(lat_n) * np.cos(phi_d - phi_n)) lat_ed = np.arcsin(sin_lat_ed) theta_ed = 0.5 * np.pi - lat_ed sin_lon_ed = np.sin(theta_d) * np.sin(phi_d - phi_n) / np.sin(theta_ed) lon_ed = np.pi - np.arcsin(sin_lon_ed) logging.debug("eccentric dipole offset in CD coordinates " "(lat, theta, lon): %s, %s, %s", np.degrees(theta_ed), np.degrees(lat_ed), np.degrees(lon_ed)) # dipole offset in centred-dipole Cartesian coordindates dX = delta * np.sin(theta_ed) * np.cos(lon_ed) dY = delta * np.sin(theta_ed) * np.sin(lon_ed) dZ = delta * np.cos(theta_ed) logging.debug("magnetic variations (dX, dY, dZ): %s, %s, %s", dX, dY, dZ) # North pole, south pole coordinates return ((np.degrees(lat_n), np.degrees(phi_n)), (-np.degrees(lat_n), np.degrees(phi_n + np.pi)), (dx, dy, dz), (dX, dY, dZ), np.sqrt(B_0_sq))
[docs]def gmag_igrf(date, lat, lon, alt=0., centered_dipole=False, igrf_name=""): """Centered or eccentric dipole geomagnetic coordinates Parameters ---------- date: datetime.datetime lat: float Geographic latitude in degrees north lon: float Geographic longitude in degrees east alt: float, optional Altitude in km. Default: 0. centered_dipole: bool, optional Returns the centered dipole geomagnetic coordinates if set to True, returns the eccentric dipole geomagnetic coordinates if set to False. Default: False igrf_name: str, optional Default: "" Returns ------- geomag_latitude: numpy.ndarray or float Geomagnetic latitude in eccentric dipole coordinates, centered dipole coordinates if `centered_dipole` is True. geomag_longitude: numpy.ndarray or float Geomagnetic longitude in eccentric dipole coordinates, centered dipole coordinates if `centered_dipole` is True. """ ellip = _ellipsoid() glat, glon, grad = _geod_to_spher(lat, lon, ellip, alt) (lat_GMP, lon_GMP), _, _, (dX, dY, dZ), B_0 = gmpole(date,, igrf_name) latr, lonr = np.radians(glat), np.radians(glon) lat_GMPr, lon_GMPr = np.radians(lat_GMP), np.radians(lon_GMP) sin_lat_gmag = (np.sin(latr) * np.sin(lat_GMPr) + np.cos(latr) * np.cos(lat_GMPr) * np.cos(lonr - lon_GMPr)) lon_gmag_y = np.cos(latr) * np.sin(lonr - lon_GMPr) lon_gmag_x = (np.cos(latr) * np.sin(lat_GMPr) * np.cos(lonr - lon_GMPr) - np.sin(latr) * np.cos(lat_GMPr)) lat_gmag = np.arcsin(sin_lat_gmag) lat_gmag_geod = np.arctan2(np.tan(lat_gmag), (1. - ellip.epssq)) B_r = -2. * B_0 * sin_lat_gmag / (grad /**3 B_th = -B_0 * np.cos(lat_gmag) / (grad /**3 logging.debug("B_r: %s, B_th: %s, dip lat: %s", -B_r, B_th, np.degrees(np.arctan2(0.5 * B_r, B_th))) lon_gmag = np.arctan2(lon_gmag_y, lon_gmag_x) logging.debug("centered dipole coordinates: " "lat_gmag: %s, lon_gmag: %s", np.degrees(lat_gmag), np.degrees(lon_gmag)) logging.debug("lat_gmag_geod: %s, lat_GMPr: %s", np.degrees(lat_gmag_geod), np.degrees(lat_GMPr)) if centered_dipole: return (np.degrees(lat_gmag), np.degrees(lon_gmag)) # eccentric dipole coordinates (shifted dipole) phi_ed = np.arctan2( (grad * np.cos(lat_gmag) * np.sin(lon_gmag) - dY), (grad * np.cos(lat_gmag) * np.cos(lon_gmag) - dX) ) theta_ed = np.arctan2( (grad * np.cos(lat_gmag) * np.cos(lon_gmag) - dX), (grad * np.sin(lat_gmag) - dZ) * np.cos(phi_ed) ) lat_ed = 0.5 * np.pi - theta_ed lat_ed_geod = np.arctan2(np.tan(lat_ed), (1. - ellip.epssq)) logging.debug("lats ed: %s", np.degrees(lat_ed)) logging.debug("lats ed geod: %s", np.degrees(lat_ed_geod)) logging.debug("phis ed: %s", np.degrees(phi_ed)) return (np.degrees(lat_ed_geod), np.degrees(phi_ed))