Source code for sciapy.level2.density_pp

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2018 Stefan Bender
# This file is part of sciapy.
# sciapy is free software: you can redistribute it or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# See accompanying LICENSE file or
"""SCIAMACHY level 2 post-processed number densities interface

Interface classes for the level 2 post-processed retrieval results.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import datetime as dt

import numpy as np
	from netCDF4 import Dataset as netcdf_file
	fmtargs = {"format": "NETCDF4"}
except ImportError:
		from import netcdf_file
		fmtargs = {"version": 1}
	except ImportError:
		from pupynere import netcdf_file
		fmtargs = {"version": 1}

from .density import scia_densities, _UTC
from .. import __version__

__all__ = ["scia_densities_pp", "scia_density_day"]

[docs]class scia_densities_pp(scia_densities): """Post-processed SCIAMACHY number densities Extends `scia_densities` with additional post-processing attributes such as (MSIS) temperature and density, local solar time, solar zenith angle, and geomagnetic latitudes and longitudes. This class only supports writing ascii files but reading to and writing from netcdf. Attributes ---------- temperature NRLMSISE-00 temperatures noem_no NOEM NO nuimber densities vmr NO vmr using the NRLMSISE-00 total air number densities lst Apparent local solar times mst Mean local solar times sza Solar zenith angles utchour UTC hours into measurement day utcdays Number of days since reference date gmlats IGRF-12 geomagentic latitudes gmlons IGRF-12 geomagentic longitudes aacgmgmlats AACGM geomagentic latitudes aacgmgmlons AACGM geomagentic longitudes Methods ------- write_to_textfile write_to_netcdf read_from_netcdf to_xarray """ def __init__(self, ref_date="2000-01-01", ver=None, data_ver=None): self.filename = None self.temperature = None self.noem_no = None self.vmr = None self.lst = None self.mst = None self.sza = None self.utchour = None self.utcdays = None self.gmlats = None self.gmlons = None self.aacgmgmlats = None self.aacgmgmlons = None super(scia_densities_pp, self).__init__( ref_date=ref_date, ver=ver, data_ver=data_ver)
[docs] def write_to_textfile(self, filename): """Write the variables to ascii table files Parameters ---------- filename: str or file object or io.TextIOBase.buffer The filename or stream to write the data to. For writing to stdout in python 3, pass `sys.stdout.buffer`. """ if hasattr(filename, 'seek'): f = filename else: f = open(filename, 'w') header = "%5s %13s %12s %13s %14s %12s %14s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s" % ("GP_ID", "Max_Hoehe[km]", "Hoehe[km]", "Min_Hoehe[km]", "Max_Breite[°]", "Breite[°]", "Min_Breite[°]", "Laenge[°]", "Dichte[cm^-3]", "Fehler Mess[cm^-3]", "Fehler tot[cm^-3]", "Gesamtdichte[cm^-3]") if self.apriori is not None: header = header + " %12s" % ("apriori[cm^-3]",) if self.temperature is not None: header = header + " %12s" % ("T[K]",) if self.noem_no is not None: header = header + " %12s" % ("NOEM_NO[cm^-3]",) if self.akdiag is not None: header = header + " %12s" % ("AKdiag",) if self.lst is not None: header = header + " %12s" % ("LST",) if self.mst is not None: header = header + " %12s" % ("MST",) if self.sza is not None: header = header + " %12s" % ("SZA",) if self.utchour is not None: header = header + " %12s" % ("Hour",) if self.utcdays is not None: header = header + " %12s" % ("Days",) if self.gmlats is not None: header = header + " %12s" % ("GeomagLat",) if self.gmlons is not None: header = header + " %12s" % ("GeomagLon",) if self.aacgmgmlats is not None: header = header + " %12s" % ("AACGMGeomagLat",) if self.aacgmgmlons is not None: header = header + " %12s" % ("AACGMGeomagLon",) print(header, file=f) oformat = "%5i %+1.5E %+1.5E %+1.5E %+1.5E %+1.5E %+1.5E %+1.5E %+1.5E %+1.5E %+1.5E %+1.5E" oformata = " %+1.5E" for i, a in enumerate(self.alts): for j, b in enumerate(self.lats): print(oformat % (i * self.nlat + j, self.alts_max[i], a, self.alts_min[i], self.lats_max[j], b, self.lats_min[j], self.lons[j], self.densities[j, i], self.dens_err_meas[j, i], self.dens_err_tot[j, i], self.dens_tot[j, i]), end="", file=f) if self.apriori is not None: print(" " + oformata % self.apriori[j, i], end="", file=f) if self.temperature is not None: print(" " + oformata % self.temperature[j, i], end="", file=f) if self.noem_no is not None: print(" " + oformata % self.noem_no[j, i], end="", file=f) if self.akdiag is not None: print(" " + oformata % self.akdiag[j, i], end="", file=f) if self.lst is not None: print(" " + oformata % self.lst[j], end="", file=f) if self.mst is not None: print(" " + oformata % self.mst[j], end="", file=f) if self.sza is not None: print(" " + oformata % self.sza[j], end="", file=f) if self.utchour is not None: print(" " + oformata % self.utchour[j], end="", file=f) if self.utcdays is not None: print(" " + oformata % self.utcdays[j], end="", file=f) if self.gmlats is not None: print(" " + oformata % self.gmlats[j], end="", file=f) if self.gmlons is not None: print(" " + oformata % self.gmlons[j], end="", file=f) if self.aacgmgmlats is not None: print(" " + oformata % self.aacgmgmlats[j], end="", file=f) if self.aacgmgmlons is not None: print(" " + oformata % self.aacgmgmlons[j], end="", file=f) print("", file=f)
[docs] def write_to_netcdf(self, filename, close=True): """Write variables to netcdf files This function has no stream, i.e. file object, support. Parameters ---------- filename: str The name of the file to write the data to. """ # write the base variables first and keep the file open for appending ncf = scia_densities.write_to_netcdf(self, filename, close=False) if self.temperature is not None: ftemp = ncf.createVariable('temperature', np.dtype('float64').char, ('time', 'latitude', 'altitude')) ftemp.units = 'K' ftemp.long_name = 'temperature' ftemp.model = 'NRLMSIS-00' ftemp[0, :] = self.temperature if self.noem_no is not None: fnoem_no = ncf.createVariable('NOEM_density', np.dtype('float64').char, ('time', 'latitude', 'altitude')) fnoem_no.units = 'cm^{-3}' fnoem_no.long_name = 'NOEM NO number density' fnoem_no[0, :] = self.noem_no if self.vmr is not None: fvmr = ncf.createVariable('VMR', np.dtype('float64').char, ('time', 'latitude', 'altitude')) fvmr.units = 'ppb' fvmr.long_name = 'volume mixing ratio' fvmr[0, :] = self.vmr if self.lst is not None: flst = ncf.createVariable('app_lst', np.dtype('float64').char, ('time', 'latitude',)) flst.units = 'hours' flst.long_name = 'apparent local solar time' flst[0, :] = self.lst if self.mst is not None: fmst = ncf.createVariable('mean_lst', np.dtype('float64').char, ('time', 'latitude',)) fmst.units = 'hours' fmst.long_name = 'mean local solar time' fmst[0, :] = self.mst if self.sza is not None: fsza = ncf.createVariable('mean_sza', np.dtype('float64').char, ('time', 'latitude',)) fsza.units = 'degrees' fsza.long_name = 'mean solar zenith angle' fsza[0, :] = self.sza if self.utchour is not None: futc = ncf.createVariable('utc_hour', np.dtype('float64').char, ('time', 'latitude',)) futc.units = 'hours' futc.long_name = 'measurement utc time' futc[0, :] = self.utchour if self.utcdays is not None: futcd = ncf.createVariable('utc_days', np.dtype('float64').char, ('time', 'latitude',)) futcd.long_name = 'measurement day' futcd.units = 'days since {0}'.format(self.date0.isoformat(sep=' ')) futcd[0, :] = self.utcdays if self.gmlats is not None: fgmlats = ncf.createVariable('gm_lats', np.dtype('float64').char, ('time', 'latitude',)) fgmlats.long_name = 'geomagnetic_latitude' fgmlats.model = 'IGRF' fgmlats.units = 'degrees_north' fgmlats[0, :] = self.gmlats if self.gmlons is not None: fgmlons = ncf.createVariable('gm_lons', np.dtype('float64').char, ('time', 'latitude',)) fgmlons.long_name = 'geomagnetic_longitude' fgmlons.model = 'IGRF' fgmlons.units = 'degrees_east' fgmlons[0, :] = self.gmlons if self.aacgmgmlats is not None: faacgmgmlats = ncf.createVariable('aacgm_gm_lats', np.dtype('float64').char, ('time', 'latitude',)) faacgmgmlats.long_name = 'geomagnetic_latitude' faacgmgmlats.model = 'AACGM' faacgmgmlats.units = 'degrees_north' faacgmgmlats[0, :] = self.aacgmgmlats if self.aacgmgmlons is not None: faacgmgmlons = ncf.createVariable('aacgm_gm_lons', np.dtype('float64').char, ('time', 'latitude',)) faacgmgmlons.long_name = 'geomagnetic_longitude' faacgmgmlons.model = 'AACGM' faacgmgmlons.units = 'degrees_east' faacgmgmlons[0, :] = self.aacgmgmlons if close: ncf.close() else: return ncf
[docs] def read_from_netcdf(self, filename, close=True): """Read post-processed level 2 orbit files Parameters ---------- filename: str The name of the netcdf file. """ # read the base variables first and keep the file open for reading ncf = scia_densities.read_from_netcdf(self, filename, close=False) # additional data... # MSIS temperature try: self.temperature = ncf.variables['temperature'][:] except: pass # NOEM density try: self.noem_no = ncf.variables['NOEM_density'][:] except: pass # calculated vmr try: self.vmr = ncf.variables['VMR'][:] except: pass # apparent local solar time try: self.lst = ncf.variables['app_lst'][:] except: pass # mean local solar time try: self.mst = ncf.variables['mean_lst'][:] except: pass # mean solar zenith angle try: self.sza = ncf.variables['mean_sza'][:] except: pass # utc hours try: self.utchour = ncf.variables['utc_hour'][:] except: pass # utc days try: self.utcdays = ncf.variables['utc_days'][:] except: pass if close: ncf.close() else: return ncf
[docs] def to_xarray(self, dateo, orbit): """Convert the data to :class:`xarray.Dataset` This is a very simple approach, it dumps the data to a temporary netcdf file and reads that using :func:`xarray.open_dataset()`. Parameters ---------- dateo: float The days since the reference date at the equator crossing of the orbit. Used to set the `time` dimension of the dataset. orbit: int The SCIAMACHY/Envisat orbit number of the retrieved data. Returns ------- dataset: xarray.Dataset """ import tempfile try: import xarray as xr except ImportError: print("Error: xarray not available!") return None with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tf: self.write_to_netcdf( with xr.open_dataset(, decode_cf=False) as sdorb: sdorb = sdorb.drop(["alt_min", "alt_max", "lat_min", "lat_max"]) sdorb["time"] = np.array([dateo], dtype=np.float64) sdorb["orbit"] = orbit sdorb.load() return sdorb
[docs]class scia_density_day(object): """SCIAMACHY daily number densities combined Contains a stacked version of the post-processed orbit data for multiple orbits on a day. Used to combine the results. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the retrieved species, default: "NO". Used to name the netcdf variables appropriately. ref_date: str, optional The reference date on which to base the date calculations on. Default: "2000-01-01" Attributes ---------- alts Retrieval grid altitudes lats Retrieval grid latitudes no_dens Retrieved number densities no_errs Measurement uncertainty no_etot Total uncertainty no_rstd Relative measurement uncertainty no_akd Averaging kernel diagonal elements no_apri Prior number density temperature NRLMSISE-00 temperatures noem_no NOEM NO nuimber densities vmr NO vmr using the NRLMSISE-00 total air number densities lst Apparent local solar times mst Mean local solar times sza Solar zenith angles utchour UTC hours into measurement day utcdays Number of days since reference date gmlats IGRF-12 geomagentic latitudes gmlons IGRF-12 geomagentic longitudes aacgmgmlats AACGM geomagentic latitudes aacgmgmlons AACGM geomagentic longitudes """ def __init__(self, name="NO", ref_date="2000-01-01", author="unknown"): self.date0 = (dt.datetime.strptime(ref_date, "%Y-%m-%d") .replace(tzinfo=_UTC)) self.alts = None self.lats = None self.version = None self.data_version = None = name = author = [] self.time = [] self.orbit = [] self.no_dens = None self.no_errs = None self.no_etot = None self.no_rstd = None self.no_akd = None self.no_apri = None self.no_noem = None self.temperature = None self.tot_dens = None self.no_vmr = None self.lons = None self.lst = None self.mst = None self.sza = None self.utchour = None self.utcdays = None self.gmlats = None self.gmlons = None self.aacgmgmlats = None self.aacgmgmlons = None
[docs] def append(self, cdata): """Append (stack) the data from one orbit Parameters ---------- cdata: :class:`scia_densities_pp` instance Post-processed level 2 orbital data. """ self.time.extend(cdata.time) self.no_dens =, cdata.no_dens)) self.no_errs =, cdata.no_errs)) self.no_etot =, cdata.no_etot)) self.no_rstd =, cdata.no_rstd)) self.no_akd =, cdata.no_akd)) self.no_apri =, cdata.no_apri)) self.no_noem =, cdata.no_noem)) self.tot_dens =, cdata.tot_dens)) self.no_vmr =, cdata.no_vmr)) self.lons =, cdata.lons)) self.lst =, cdata.lst)) self.mst =, cdata.mst)) self.sza =, cdata.sza)) self.utchour =, cdata.utchour)) self.utcdays =, cdata.utcdays)) self.gmlats =, cdata.gmlats)) self.gmlons =, cdata.gmlons)) self.aacgmgmlats =, cdata.aacgmgmlats)) self.aacgmgmlons =, cdata.aacgmgmlons))
[docs] def append_data(self, date, orbit, equtime, scia_dens): """Append (stack) the data from one orbit Updates the data in place. Parameters ---------- date: float Days since `ref_date` for the time coordinate orbit: int SCIAMACHY/Envisat orbit number equtime: float UTC hour into the day at the equator scia_dens: :class:`scia_densities_pp` instance The post-processed orbit data set """ def _vstack_or_new(a, b): # Check if we 'stack' for the first time (a is None), # in that case we assign first. if a is None: return b[None] return, b[None])) self.version = scia_dens.version self.data_version = scia_dens.data_version self.orbit.append(orbit) self.time.append(equtime) _dens = scia_dens.densities _errs = scia_dens.dens_err_meas _etot = scia_dens.dens_err_tot _r_std = np.abs(_errs / _dens) * 100.0 if self.alts is None: # we need altitudes and latitudes only once self.alts = scia_dens.alts self.lats = scia_dens.lats self.no_dens = _vstack_or_new(self.no_dens, _dens) self.no_errs = _vstack_or_new(self.no_errs, _errs) self.no_etot = _vstack_or_new(self.no_etot, _etot) self.no_rstd = _vstack_or_new(self.no_rstd, _r_std) self.no_akd = _vstack_or_new(self.no_akd, scia_dens.akdiag) self.no_apri = _vstack_or_new(self.no_apri, scia_dens.apriori) self.temperature = _vstack_or_new(self.temperature, scia_dens.temperature) self.no_noem = _vstack_or_new(self.no_noem, scia_dens.noem_no) self.tot_dens = _vstack_or_new(self.tot_dens, scia_dens.dens_tot) self.no_vmr = _vstack_or_new(self.no_vmr, scia_dens.vmr) self.lons = _vstack_or_new(self.lons, scia_dens.lons) self.lst = _vstack_or_new(self.lst, scia_dens.lst) self.mst = _vstack_or_new(self.mst, scia_dens.mst) self.sza = _vstack_or_new(self.sza, scia_dens.sza) self.utchour = _vstack_or_new(self.utchour, scia_dens.utchour) self.utcdays = _vstack_or_new(self.utcdays, scia_dens.utcdays) self.gmlats = _vstack_or_new(self.gmlats, scia_dens.gmlats) self.gmlons = _vstack_or_new(self.gmlons, scia_dens.gmlons) self.aacgmgmlats = _vstack_or_new(self.aacgmgmlats, scia_dens.aacgmgmlats) self.aacgmgmlons = _vstack_or_new(self.aacgmgmlons, scia_dens.aacgmgmlons)
[docs] def write_to_netcdf(self, filename): """Write variables to netcdf files Parameters ---------- filename: str The name of the file to write the data to. """ _var_dicts = { "2.1": { "dens_tot": { "name": "TOT_DENS", "long_name": "total number density (NRLMSIS-00)", "model": None, }, "temperature": { "name": "temperature", "long_name": "temperature", "model": "NRLMSIS-00", }, }, "2.2": { "dens_tot": { "name": "MSIS_Dens", "long_name": "MSIS total number density", "model": "NRLMSIS-00", }, "temperature": { "name": "MSIS_Temp", "long_name": "MSIS temperature", "model": "NRLMSIS-00", }, }, } ncf = netcdf_file(filename, 'w', **fmtargs) o = np.asarray(self.orbit) d = np.asarray( t = np.asarray(self.time) if self.version is not None: ncf.version = self.version if self.data_version is not None: ncf.L2_data_version = self.data_version = "sciapy {0}".format(__version__) ncf.creation_time = dt.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S +00:00 (UTC)") = ncf.createDimension('time', None) ncf.createDimension('altitude', self.alts.size) ncf.createDimension('latitude', self.lats.size) forbit = ncf.createVariable('orbit', np.dtype('int32').char, ('time',)) forbit.axis = 'T' forbit.calendar = 'standard' forbit.long_name = 'orbit' forbit.standard_name = 'orbit' forbit.units = 'orbit number' # the time coordinate is actually called "date" here ftime = ncf.createVariable('time', 'f8', ('time',)) ftime.axis = 'T' ftime.calendar = 'standard' ftime.long_name = 'equatorial crossing time' ftime.standard_name = 'time' ftime.units = 'days since {0}'.format(self.date0.isoformat(sep=' ')) #ftime.units = 'days since {0}'.format(self.date0.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z (%Z)')) #fdate = ncf.createVariable('date', np.dtype('float64').char, ('time',)) #fdate.axis = 'T' #fdate.calendar = 'standard' #fdate.long_name = 'date' #fdate.standard_name = 'date' #fdate.units = 'days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00' falts = ncf.createVariable('altitude', 'f8', ('altitude',)) falts.axis = 'Z' falts.long_name = 'altitude' falts.standard_name = 'altitude' falts.units = 'km' falts.positive = 'up' flats = ncf.createVariable('latitude', 'f8', ('latitude',)) flats.axis = 'Y' flats.long_name = 'latitude' flats.standard_name = 'latitude' flats.units = 'degrees_north' flons = ncf.createVariable('longitude', 'f8', ('time', 'latitude',)) flons.long_name = 'longitude' flons.standard_name = 'longitude' flons.units = 'degrees_east' fdens = ncf.createVariable('%s_DENS' %, 'f8', ('time', 'latitude', 'altitude')) fdens.units = 'cm^{-3}' fdens.long_name = '%s number density' % ferrs = ncf.createVariable('%s_ERR' %, 'f8', ('time', 'latitude', 'altitude')) ferrs.units = 'cm^{-3}' ferrs.long_name = '%s density measurement error' % fetot = ncf.createVariable('%s_ETOT' %, 'f8', ('time', 'latitude', 'altitude')) fetot.units = 'cm^{-3}' fetot.long_name = '%s density total error' % frstd = ncf.createVariable('%s_RSTD' %, 'f8', ('time', 'latitude', 'altitude')) frstd.units = '%' frstd.long_name = '%s relative standard deviation' % fakd = ncf.createVariable('%s_AKDIAG' %, 'f8', ('time', 'latitude', 'altitude')) fakd.units = '1' fakd.long_name = '%s averaging kernel diagonal element' % fapri = ncf.createVariable('%s_APRIORI' %, 'f8', ('time', 'latitude', 'altitude')) fapri.units = 'cm^{-3}' fapri.long_name = '%s apriori density' % ftemp = ncf.createVariable(_var_dicts[self.version]["temperature"]["name"], 'f8', ('time', 'latitude', 'altitude')) ftemp.long_name = _var_dicts[self.version]["temperature"]["long_name"] ftemp.model = 'NRLMSIS-00' ftemp.units = 'K' fdens_tot = ncf.createVariable(_var_dicts[self.version]["dens_tot"]["name"], 'f8', ('time', 'latitude', 'altitude')) fdens_tot.long_name = _var_dicts[self.version]["dens_tot"]["long_name"] fdens_tot.units = 'cm^{-3}' if _var_dicts[self.version]["dens_tot"]["model"] is not None: fdens_tot.model = _var_dicts[self.version]["dens_tot"]["model"] fnoem = ncf.createVariable('%s_NOEM' %, 'f8', ('time', 'latitude', 'altitude')) fnoem.units = 'cm^{-3}' fnoem.long_name = 'NOEM %s number density' % fvmr = ncf.createVariable('%s_VMR' %, 'f8', ('time', 'latitude', 'altitude')) fvmr.units = 'ppb' fvmr.long_name = '%s volume mixing ratio' % flst = ncf.createVariable('app_LST', 'f8', ('time', 'latitude')) flst.units = 'hours' flst.long_name = 'apparent local solar time' fmst = ncf.createVariable('mean_LST', 'f8', ('time', 'latitude')) fmst.units = 'hours' fmst.long_name = 'mean local solar time' fsza = ncf.createVariable('mean_SZA', 'f8', ('time', 'latitude')) fsza.units = 'degrees' fsza.long_name = 'solar zenith angle at mean altitude' futc = ncf.createVariable('UTC', 'f8', ('time', 'latitude')) futc.units = 'hours' futc.long_name = 'measurement utc time' futcd = ncf.createVariable('utc_days', 'f8', ('time', 'latitude')) futcd.long_name = 'measurement utc day' futcd.units = 'days since {0}'.format(self.date0.isoformat(sep=' ')) fgmlats = ncf.createVariable('gm_lats', 'f8', ('time', 'latitude',)) fgmlats.long_name = 'geomagnetic_latitude' fgmlats.model = 'IGRF' fgmlats.units = 'degrees_north' fgmlons = ncf.createVariable('gm_lons', 'f8', ('time', 'latitude',)) fgmlons.long_name = 'geomagnetic_longitude' fgmlons.model = 'IGRF' fgmlons.units = 'degrees_east' faacgmgmlats = ncf.createVariable('aacgm_gm_lats', 'f8', ('time', 'latitude',)) faacgmgmlats.long_name = 'geomagnetic_latitude' faacgmgmlats.model = 'AACGM' faacgmgmlats.units = 'degrees_north' faacgmgmlons = ncf.createVariable('aacgm_gm_lons', 'f8', ('time', 'latitude',)) faacgmgmlons.long_name = 'geomagnetic_longitude' faacgmgmlons.model = 'AACGM' faacgmgmlons.units = 'degrees_east' forbit[:] = o ftime[:] = d falts[:] = self.alts flats[:] = self.lats flons[:] = self.lons fdens[:] =[:]) ferrs[:] =[:]) fetot[:] =[:]) frstd[:] =[:]) fakd[:] =[:]) fapri[:] =[:]) ftemp[:] =[:]) fnoem[:] =[:]) fdens_tot[:] =[:]) fvmr[:] =[:]) flst[:] =[:]) fmst[:] =[:]) fsza[:] =[:]) futc[:] =[:]) futcd[:] =[:]) fgmlats[:] =[:]) fgmlons[:] =[:]) faacgmgmlats[:] =[:]) faacgmgmlons[:] =[:]) ncf.close()
[docs] def to_xarray(self): """Convert the combined orbit data to :class:`xarray.Dataset` Exports the data using the same data variables as when writing to netcdf. Returns ------- dataset: xarray.Dataset """ try: import xarray as xr except ImportError: print("Error: xarray not available!") return None o = np.asarray(self.orbit) d = np.asarray( xr_dens = xr.DataArray(self.no_dens, coords=[d, self.lats, self.alts], dims=["time", "latitude", "altitude"], attrs={"units": "cm^{-3}", "long_name": "{0} number density".format(}, name="{0}_DENS".format( xr_errs = xr.DataArray(self.no_errs, coords=[d, self.lats, self.alts], dims=["time", "latitude", "altitude"], attrs={"units": "cm^{-3}", "long_name": "{0} density measurement error".format(}, name="{0}_ERR".format( xr_etot = xr.DataArray(self.no_etot, coords=[d, self.lats, self.alts], dims=["time", "latitude", "altitude"], attrs={"units": "cm^{-3}", "long_name": "{0} density total error".format(}, name="{0}_ETOT".format( xr_rstd = xr.DataArray(self.no_rstd, coords=[d, self.lats, self.alts], dims=["time", "latitude", "altitude"], attrs=dict(units='%', long_name='{0} relative standard deviation'.format(, name="{0}_RSTD".format( xr_akd = xr.DataArray(self.no_akd, coords=[d, self.lats, self.alts], dims=["time", "latitude", "altitude"], attrs=dict(units='1', long_name='{0} averaging kernel diagonal element'.format(, name="{0}_AKDIAG".format( xr_apri = xr.DataArray(self.no_apri, coords=[d, self.lats, self.alts], dims=["time", "latitude", "altitude"], attrs=dict(units='cm^{-3}', long_name='{0} apriori density'.format(, name="{0}_APRIORI".format( xr_noem = xr.DataArray(self.no_noem, coords=[d, self.lats, self.alts], dims=["time", "latitude", "altitude"], attrs=dict(units='cm^{-3}', long_name='NOEM {0} number density'.format(, name="{0}_NOEM".format( xr_vmr = xr.DataArray(self.no_vmr, coords=[d, self.lats, self.alts], dims=["time", "latitude", "altitude"], attrs=dict(units='ppb', long_name='{0} volume mixing ratio'.format(, name="{0}_VMR".format( xr_dtot = xr.DataArray(self.tot_dens, coords=[d, self.lats, self.alts], dims=["time", "latitude", "altitude"], attrs=dict(units='cm^{-3}', long_name='MSIS total number density', model='NRLMSIS-00'), name="MSIS_Dens") xr_temp = xr.DataArray(self.temperature, coords=[d, self.lats, self.alts], dims=["time", "latitude", "altitude"], attrs=dict(units='K', long_name='MSIS temperature', model="NRLMSIS-00"), name="MSIS_Temp") xr_lons = xr.DataArray(self.lons, coords=[d, self.lats], dims=["time", "latitude"], attrs=dict(long_name='longitude', standard_name='longitude', units='degrees_east'), name='longitude') xr_lst = xr.DataArray(self.lst, coords=[d, self.lats], dims=["time", "latitude"], attrs=dict(units='hours', long_name='apparent local solar time'), name="app_LST") xr_mst = xr.DataArray(self.mst, coords=[d, self.lats], dims=["time", "latitude"], attrs=dict(units='hours', long_name='mean local solar time'), name="mean_LST") xr_sza = xr.DataArray(self.sza, coords=[d, self.lats], dims=["time", "latitude"], attrs=dict(units='degrees', long_name='solar zenith angle at mean altitude'), name="mean_SZA") xr_utch = xr.DataArray(self.utchour, coords=[d, self.lats], dims=["time", "latitude"], attrs=dict(units='hours', long_name='measurement utc time'), name="UTC") xr_utcd = xr.DataArray(self.utcdays, coords=[d, self.lats], dims=["time", "latitude"], attrs=dict(units='days since {0}'.format(self.date0.isoformat(sep=' ')), long_name='measurement utc day'), name="utc_days") xr_gmlats = xr.DataArray(self.gmlats, coords=[d, self.lats], dims=["time", "latitude"], attrs=dict(long_name='geomagnetic_latitude', model='IGRF', units='degrees_north'), name="gm_lats") xr_gmlons = xr.DataArray(self.gmlons, coords=[d, self.lats], dims=["time", "latitude"], attrs=dict(long_name='geomagnetic_longitude', model='IGRF', units='degrees_east'), name="gm_lons") xr_aacgmgmlats = xr.DataArray(self.aacgmgmlats, coords=[d, self.lats], dims=["time", "latitude"], attrs=dict(long_name='geomagnetic_latitude', model='AACGM', units='degrees_north'), name="aacgm_gm_lats") xr_aacgmgmlons = xr.DataArray(self.aacgmgmlons, coords=[d, self.lats], dims=["time", "latitude"], attrs=dict(long_name='geomagnetic_longitude', model='AACGM', units='degrees_east'), name="aacgm_gm_lons") xr_orbit = xr.DataArray(o, coords=[d], dims=["time"], attrs=dict(axis='T', calendar='standard', long_name='orbit', standard_name='orbit', units='orbit number'), name="orbit") xr_ds = xr.Dataset({ da for da in [xr_dens, xr_errs, xr_etot, xr_rstd, xr_akd, xr_apri, xr_noem, xr_vmr, xr_dtot, xr_temp, xr_lons, xr_lst, xr_mst, xr_sza, xr_utch, xr_utcd, xr_gmlats, xr_gmlons, xr_aacgmgmlats, xr_aacgmgmlons, xr_orbit]}) xr_ds["time"].attrs = dict(axis='T', calendar='standard', long_name='equatorial crossing time', standard_name='time', units='days since {0}'.format(self.date0.isoformat(sep=' '))) xr_ds["altitude"].attrs = dict(axis='Z', long_name='altitude', standard_name='altitude', units='km', positive='up') xr_ds["latitude"].attrs = dict(axis='Y', long_name='latitude', standard_name='latitude', units='degrees_north') if self.version is not None: xr_ds.attrs["version"] = self.version if self.data_version is not None: xr_ds.attrs["L2_data_version"] = self.data_version xr_ds.attrs["software"] = "sciapy {0}".format(__version__) xr_ds.attrs["creation_time"] = dt.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S +00:00 (UTC)") xr_ds.attrs["author"] = return xr_ds