Source code for sciapy.level2.density

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Stefan Bender
# This file is part of sciapy.
# sciapy is free software: you can redistribute it or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# See accompanying LICENSE file or
"""SCIAMACHY level 2 number density retrieval results interface

Interface classes for the level 2 retrieval results from text (ascii)
files and netcdf files for further processing.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os
import re
import sys
import datetime as dt

import numpy as np
	from netCDF4 import Dataset as netcdf_file
	fmtargs = {"format": "NETCDF4"}
except ImportError:
		from import netcdf_file
		fmtargs = {"version": 1}
	except ImportError:
		from pupynere import netcdf_file
		fmtargs = {"version": 1}

__all__ = ["scia_densities", "_UTC"]

	_UTC = dt.timezone.utc
except AttributeError:
	# python 2.7
	class UTC(dt.tzinfo):
		def utcoffset(self, d):
			return dt.timedelta(0)
		def tzname(self, d):
			return "UTC"
		def dst(self, d):
			return dt.timedelta(0)
	_UTC = UTC()

_meas_dtypes = [
	# initial output << v1.0
	[('gp_id', int),
		('alt_max', float), ('alt', float), ('alt_min', float),
		('lat_max', float), ('lat', float), ('lat_min', float),
		('density', float), ('dens_err_meas', float),
		('dens_err_tot', float), ('dens_tot', float)],
	# < 1.0 (NO_emiss-178-g729efb0)
	[('gp_id', int),
		('alt_max', float), ('alt', float), ('alt_min', float),
		('lat_max', float), ('lat', float), ('lat_min', float),
		('longitude', float),
		('density', float), ('dens_err_meas', float),
		('dens_err_tot', float), ('dens_tot', float)],
	# < 1.5 (NO_emiss-183-gcaa9349)
	[('gp_id', int),
		('alt_max', float), ('alt', float), ('alt_min', float),
		('lat_max', float), ('lat', float), ('lat_min', float),
		('longitude', float),
		('density', float), ('dens_err_meas', float),
		('dens_err_tot', float), ('dens_tot', float),
		('apriori', float)],
	# >= 1.5 (NO-v1.5)
	[('gp_id', int),
		('alt_max', float), ('alt', float), ('alt_min', float),
		('lat_max', float), ('lat', float), ('lat_min', float),
		('longitude', float),
		('density', float), ('dens_err_meas', float),
		('dens_err_tot', float), ('dens_tot', float),
		('apriori', float), ('akdiag', float)],

[docs]class scia_densities(object): """SCIAMACHY orbital retrieved number densities Class interface to orbit-wise SCIAMACHY retrieval results. The attributes are based on the text file layout and are tied to the NO retrieval for now. Parameters ---------- ref_date: str, optional The reference date on which to base the date calculations on. Default: "2000-01-01" ver: str, optional Explicit density version, used for exporting the data. Not used if set to `None`. Default: `None` data_ver: str, optional Level 2 data version to use, as "ver" used for exporting. Not used if set to `None`. Default: `None` Attributes ---------- version file version string data_version level 2 data version date0 reference date nalt number of altitudes in the orbit nlat number of latitudes in the orbit nlon number of longitudes in the orbit, if longitudes are available orbit SCIAMACHY/Envisat orbit number date number of days of the orbit counting from the reference date date0 alts_min alts alts_max the altitude bins: minimum, central, and maximum altitude lats_min lats lats_max the latitude bins: minimum, central, and maximum latitude lons: the central longitude of the bins, only used if available densities NO number densities in the bins, (nlat, nalt) array_like dens_err_meas NO number densities measurement uncertainty, (nlat, nalt) array_like dens_err_tot NO number densities total uncertainty, (nlat, nalt) array_like dens_tot total number densities calculated and interpolated NRLMSIS-00 values, (nlat, nalt) array_like apriori prior NO number densities, (nlat, nalt) array_like if available, otherwise `None` akdiag diagonal element of the averaging kernel matrix at the retrieval grid point. (nlat, nalt) array_like if available otherwise `None` Methods ------- read_from_textfile read_from_netcdf read_from_file write_to_textfile write_to_netcdf Note ---- The variables are empty when initialized, use one of the `read_from_...()` methods to fill with actual data. """ def __init__(self, author="unknown", ref_date="2000-01-01", ver=None, data_ver=None): = author self.version = ver self.data_version = data_ver self.date0 = dt.datetime.strptime(ref_date, "%Y-%m-%d").replace(tzinfo=_UTC) self.nalt = 0 self.nlat = 0 self.nlon = 0 self.orbit = -1 = -1 self.alts_min = np.array([]) self.alts = np.array([]) self.alts_max = np.array([]) self.lats_min = np.array([]) self.lats = np.array([]) self.lats_max = np.array([]) self.lons = np.array([]) self.akdiag = None self.apriori = None
[docs] def read_from_textfile(self, filename): """Read NO densities from ascii table file Parameters ---------- filename: str, file object or io.TextIOBase.buffer The filename or stream to read the data from. For example to read from stdin in python 3, pass `sys.stdin.buffer`. """ def _unsrt_unique(a): return a[np.sort(np.unique(a, return_index=True)[1])] if hasattr(filename, 'seek'): f = filename else: f = open(filename, 'rb') # example filename:000NO_orbit_41467_20100203_Dichten.txt fn_fields = os.path.basename(filename).split('_') self.orbit = int(fn_fields[2]) = (dt.datetime.strptime(fn_fields[3], "%Y%m%d") .replace(tzinfo=_UTC) - self.date0).days if self.data_version is None: # try some heuristics to find the level 2 data version _dir = os.path.dirname(filename) _m =".*[_-]v([0-9]+[.].*)", _dir) if _m: self.data_version = else: self.data_version = "unknown" data = f.readline().split() mydtype = _meas_dtypes[len(data) - 13] marr = np.genfromtxt(f, dtype=mydtype) f.close() # unique altitudes self.alts_min = _unsrt_unique(marr['alt_min']) self.alts = _unsrt_unique(marr['alt']) self.alts_max = _unsrt_unique(marr['alt_max']) # unique latitudes self.lats_min = _unsrt_unique(marr['lat_min']) self.lats = _unsrt_unique(marr['lat']) self.lats_max = _unsrt_unique(marr['lat_max']) # unique longitudes if available try: self.lons = _unsrt_unique(marr['longitude']) self.nlon = len(self.lons) except ValueError: pass self.nalt = len(self.alts) self.nlat = len(self.lats) # reorder by latitude first, then altitude self.densities = marr['density'].flatten().reshape(self.nalt, self.nlat).transpose() self.dens_err_meas = marr['dens_err_meas'].flatten().reshape(self.nalt, self.nlat).transpose() self.dens_err_tot = marr['dens_err_tot'].flatten().reshape(self.nalt, self.nlat).transpose() self.dens_tot = marr['dens_tot'].flatten().reshape(self.nalt, self.nlat).transpose() # apriori if available try: self.apriori = marr['apriori'].flatten().reshape(self.nalt, self.nlat).transpose() except ValueError: pass # akdiag if available try: self.akdiag = marr['akdiag'].flatten().reshape(self.nalt, self.nlat).transpose() except ValueError: pass
[docs] def write_to_textfile(self, filename): """Write NO densities to ascii table files Parameters ---------- filename: str or file object or io.TextIOBase.buffer The filename or stream to write the data to. For writing to stdout in python 3, pass `sys.stdout.buffer`. """ if hasattr(filename, 'seek'): f = filename else: f = open(filename, 'w') header = "%5s %13s %12s %13s %13s %12s %13s %13s %12s %12s %12s" % ("GP_ID", "Max_Hoehe[km]", "Hoehe[km]", "Min_Hoehe[km]", "Max_Breite[°]", "Breite[°]", "Min_Breite[°]", "Dichte[cm^-3]", "Fehler Mess[cm^-3]", "Fehler tot[cm^-3]", "Gesamtdichte[cm^-3]") if self.nlon > 0: header = header[:87] + " %13s" % ("Laenge[°]",) + header[87:] if self.apriori is not None: header = header + " %12s" % ("apriori[cm^-3]",) if self.akdiag is not None: header = header + " %12s" % ("AKdiag",) print(header, file=f) oformat = "%5i %+1.5E %+1.5E %+1.5E %+1.5E %+1.5E %+1.5E %+1.5E %+1.5E %+1.5E %+1.5E" if self.nlon > 0: oformat = oformat[:49] + " %+1.5E" + oformat[49:] oformata = " %+1.5E" for i, a in enumerate(self.alts): for j, b in enumerate(self.lats): line_list = [i * self.nlat + j, self.alts_max[i], a, self.alts_min[i], self.lats_max[j], b, self.lats_min[j], self.densities[j, i], self.dens_err_meas[j, i], self.dens_err_tot[j, i], self.dens_tot[j, i]] if self.nlon > 0: line_list.insert(7, self.lons[j]) print(oformat % tuple(line_list), end="", file=f) if self.apriori is not None: print(" " + oformata % self.apriori[j, i], end="", file=f) if self.akdiag is not None: print(" " + oformata % self.akdiag[j, i], end="", file=f) print("", file=f)
[docs] def write_to_netcdf(self, filename, close=True): """Write NO densities to netcdf files This function has no stream, i.e. file object, support. Parameters ---------- filename: str The name of the file to write the data to. close: bool, optional Whether or not to close the file after writing. Setting to `False` enables appending further data to the same file. Default: True Returns ------- Nothing if `close` is True. If `close` is False, returns either an `netCDF4.Dataset`, `` or `pupynere.netcdf_file` instance depending on availability. """ alts_min_out = np.asarray(self.alts_min).reshape(self.nalt) alts_out = np.asarray(self.alts).reshape(self.nalt) alts_max_out = np.asarray(self.alts_max).reshape(self.nalt) lats_min_out = np.asarray(self.lats_min).reshape(self.nlat) lats_out = np.asarray(self.lats).reshape(self.nlat) lats_max_out = np.asarray(self.lats_max).reshape(self.nlat) ncf = netcdf_file(filename, 'w', **fmtargs) if self.version is not None: ncf.version = self.version if self.data_version is not None: ncf.L2_data_version = self.data_version #ncf.creation_time = dt.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=_UTC).strftime("%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %z (%Z)") ncf.creation_time = dt.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S +00:00 (UTC)") = # create netcdf file ncf.createDimension('time', None) ncf.createDimension('altitude', self.nalt) ncf.createDimension('latitude', self.nlat) forbit = ncf.createVariable('orbit', np.dtype('int32').char, ('time',)) ftime = ncf.createVariable('time', np.dtype('int32').char, ('time',)) falts_min = ncf.createVariable('alt_min', np.dtype('float64').char, ('altitude',)) falts = ncf.createVariable('altitude', np.dtype('float64').char, ('altitude',)) falts_max = ncf.createVariable('alt_max', np.dtype('float64').char, ('altitude',)) flats_min = ncf.createVariable('lat_min', np.dtype('float64').char, ('latitude',)) flats = ncf.createVariable('latitude', np.dtype('float64').char, ('latitude',)) flats_max = ncf.createVariable('lat_max', np.dtype('float64').char, ('latitude',)) falts_min.units = 'km' falts_min.positive = 'up' falts.units = 'km' falts.positive = 'up' falts_max.units = 'km' falts_max.positive = 'up' flats_min.units = 'degrees_north' flats.units = 'degrees_north' flats_max.units = 'degrees_north' forbit.units = '1' forbit.long_name = 'SCIAMACHY/Envisat orbit number' ftime.units = 'days since {0}'.format(self.date0.isoformat(sep=' ')) ftime.standard_name = 'time' fdens = ncf.createVariable('density', np.dtype('float64').char, ('time', 'latitude', 'altitude')) fdens.units = 'cm^{-3}' fdens.standard_name = 'number_concentration_of_nitrogen_monoxide_molecules_in_air' fdens_err_meas = ncf.createVariable('error_meas', np.dtype('float64').char, ('time', 'latitude', 'altitude')) fdens_err_meas.units = 'cm^{-3}' fdens_err_meas.long_name = 'NO number density measurement error' fdens_err_tot = ncf.createVariable('error_tot', np.dtype('float64').char, ('time', 'latitude', 'altitude')) fdens_err_tot.units = 'cm^{-3}' fdens_err_tot.long_name = 'NO number density total error' fdens_tot = ncf.createVariable('density_air', np.dtype('float64').char, ('time', 'latitude', 'altitude')) fdens_tot.units = 'cm^{-3}' fdens_tot.long_name = 'approximate overall number concentration of air molecules (NRLMSIS-00)' ftime[:] = [] forbit[:] = [self.orbit] falts_min[:] = alts_min_out falts[:] = alts_out falts_max[:] = alts_max_out flats_min[:] = lats_min_out flats[:] = lats_out flats_max[:] = lats_max_out # reorder by latitude first, then altitude fdens[0, :] = self.densities # reorder by latitude first, then altitude fdens_err_meas[0, :] = self.dens_err_meas fdens_err_tot[0, :] = self.dens_err_tot fdens_tot[0, :] = self.dens_tot # longitudes if they are available if self.nlon > 0: lons_out = np.asarray(self.lons).reshape(self.nlon) flons = ncf.createVariable('longitude', np.dtype('float64').char, ('time', 'latitude',)) flons.units = 'degrees_east' flons[0, :] = lons_out if self.apriori is not None: fapriori = ncf.createVariable('apriori', np.dtype('float64').char, ('time', 'latitude', 'altitude')) fapriori.units = 'cm^{-3}' fapriori.long_name = 'apriori NO number density' fapriori[0, :] = self.apriori if self.akdiag is not None: fakdiag = ncf.createVariable('akm_diagonal', np.dtype('float64').char, ('time', 'latitude', 'altitude')) fakdiag.units = '1' fakdiag.long_name = 'averaging kernel matrix diagonal element' fakdiag[0, :] = self.akdiag if close: ncf.close() else: return ncf
[docs] def read_from_netcdf(self, filename, close=True): """Read NO densities from netcdf files This function has no stream, i.e. file object support. Parameters ---------- filename: str The filename to read the data from. close: bool, optional Whether or not to close the file after reading. Setting to `False` enables reading further data from the same file. Default: True Returns ------- Nothing if `close` is True. If `close` is False, returns either an `netCDF4.Dataset`, `` or `pupynere.netcdf_file` instance depending on availability. """ def _try_decode(s): if hasattr(s, "decode"): return s.decode() return s ncf = netcdf_file(filename, 'r') try: = _try_decode( except AttributeError: pass try: self.version = _try_decode(ncf.version) except AttributeError: pass try: self.data_version = _try_decode(ncf.L2_data_version) except AttributeError: pass self.alts_min = ncf.variables['alt_min'][:].copy() self.alts = ncf.variables['altitude'][:].copy() self.alts_max = ncf.variables['alt_max'][:].copy() self.lats_min = ncf.variables['lat_min'][:].copy() self.lats = ncf.variables['latitude'][:].copy() self.lats_max = ncf.variables['lat_max'][:].copy() self.nalt = len(self.alts) self.nlat = len(self.lats) = ncf.variables['time'][:].copy() self.orbit = ncf.variables['orbit'][:].copy() self.densities = ncf.variables['density'][:].copy() self.dens_err_meas = ncf.variables['error_meas'][:].copy() self.dens_err_tot = ncf.variables['error_tot'][:].copy() self.dens_tot = ncf.variables['density_air'][:].copy() # longitudes if they are available try: self.lons = ncf.variables['longitude'][:].copy() self.nlon = self.lons.shape[1] except KeyError: pass # apriori try: self.apriori = ncf.variables['apriori'][:].copy() except KeyError: pass # akm diagonal elements try: self.akdiag = ncf.variables['akm_diagonal'][:].copy() except KeyError: pass if close: ncf.close() else: return ncf
[docs] def read_from_file(self, filename): """Wrapper to read NO desnities from files Simple wrapper to delegate reading the data from either netcdf or ascii files. Poor man's logic: simply try netcdf first, and if that fails, read as ascii. Parameters ---------- filename: str The filename to read the data from. """ try: # try netcdf first self.read_from_netcdf(filename) except (IOError, OSError, TypeError): # fall back to text file as a last resort self.read_from_textfile(filename)
def main(*args): argc = len(sys.argv) if argc < 2: print("Not enough arguments, Usage:\n" "{0} [input] output [< input]".format(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(1) elif argc < 3: try: infile = sys.stdin.buffer # Python 3 except AttributeError: infile = sys.stdin outfile = sys.argv[1] else: infile = sys.argv[1] outfile = sys.argv[2] sdl = scia_densities() sdl.read_from_file(infile) sdl.write_to_netcdf(outfile) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())