Source code for sciapy.level2.binning

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2017 Stefan Bender
# This file is part of sciapy.
# sciapy is free software: you can redistribute it or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# See accompanying LICENSE file or
"""SCIAMACHY level 2 binning

__all__ = ["bin_lat_timeavg"]

import logging

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

def _bin_stats(ds,
		binvar="latitude", tvar="time",
		area_weighted=True, stacked="stacked_time_latitude",
	"""Helper function for (weighted) bin statistics
	if not hasattr(ds, stacked):
		stacked = "stacked_{0}_{1}".format(tvar, binvar)
		ds = ds.stack(**{stacked: (tvar, binvar)})
	_weights = (np.cos(np.radians(ds[binvar])) if area_weighted
				else xr.ones_like(ds[binvar]))
	# normalize weights (sum(weights) = 1)
	_weights /= _weights.sum(dim=stacked)
	_ssqw = (_weights**2).sum(dim=stacked)
	mean_ds = (ds * _weights).sum(dim=stacked) if area_weighted \
			else ds.mean(dim=stacked)
	mean_ds["wsqsum"] = _ssqw
	mean_ds["wsqsum"].attrs = {
			"long_name": "sum of squared weights",
			"units": "1"}
	# unbiased standard deviations
	var_ds = ((_weights * (ds - mean_ds)**2).sum(dim=stacked) /
			(1. - _ssqw)) if area_weighted else ds.var(dim=stacked, ddof=1)
	sdev_ds = np.sqrt(var_ds)
	cnts_ds = ds.count(dim=stacked)
	if set_attrs:
		for var in ds.data_vars:
			sdev_ds[var].attrs = ds[var].attrs
			cnts_ds[var].attrs = ds[var].attrs
			cnts_ds[var].attrs.update({"units": "1"})
			for key in ["long_name", "standard_name"]:
						key: ds[var].attrs[key] + " standard deviation"})
						key: ds[var].attrs[key] + " counts"})
				except KeyError:
	sdev_ds = sdev_ds.rename({v: v + "_std" for v in sdev_ds.data_vars})
	cnts_ds = cnts_ds.rename({v: v + "_cnt" for v in cnts_ds.data_vars})
	return xr.merge([mean_ds, sdev_ds, cnts_ds])

[docs]def bin_lat_timeavg(ds, binvar="latitude", tvar="time", bins=np.r_[-90:91:5], labels=None, area_weighted=True, keep_attrs=True, load=True, save_progress=False): """Latitudinally bin and time average xarray dataset(s) Time-averages the variables in an :class:`xarray.Dataset` in the given latitude bins. This should be applied to daily-binned datasets from a groupby object (via .apply()) to yield daily zonal means. The type of latitudes is selected by passing the appropriate `binvar` and must be a variable in the data set. Area weighting (cos(latitude)) is also supported. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset or xarray.DatasetGroupBy instance The dataset (or GroupBy) instance to bin latitudinally. binvar : str The name of the variable used for binning, default: "latitude". tvar : str The name of the time variable of the GroupBy object, default: "time". bins : numpy.ndarray The (latitudinal) bin edges, default: `np.r_[-90:91:5]`. labels : list or None The bin labels, if set to `None` (the default), the labels are set to the central bin values. area_weighted : bool Use area weighted averages, default: `True`. keep_attrs : bool Keep the global and variable attributes from the data set, default: `True`. load : bool Loads the data into memory before binning, speeds it up considerably provided that the it fits into memory, default: `True` save_progress : bool Saves the individual binned files to netcdf, to enable recovering from interrupted runs, default: `False` Returns ------- ds : xarray.Dataset The binned and time-averaged dataset together with the (unbiased) standard deviations of the variables as `<variable>_std` and the number of averaged values as `<variable>_cnt`. """ if load: # load the chunk into memory to speed up binning ds.load() # adjust the time variable if np.issubdtype(ds[tvar].values[0], np.floating): # convert floats to datetime first (probably MLT states) date = ( xr.conventions.decode_cf(ds[[tvar]])[tvar] .values[0] .astype("datetime64[D]") ) else: date = ds[tvar].values[0].astype('datetime64[D]') if not hasattr(ds, binvar): # nothing to bin logging.warn("skipping %s", date) return ds"processing %s", date) if labels is None: labels = 0.5 * (bins[1:] + bins[:-1]) # stack and bin and delegate to the statistics helper function ds_out = (ds.stack(stacked_time_latitude=("time", "latitude")) .groupby_bins(binvar, bins, labels=labels) .apply(_bin_stats, binvar=binvar, tvar=tvar, area_weighted=area_weighted, set_attrs=keep_attrs)) if keep_attrs: ds_out.attrs = ds.attrs for var in ds.data_vars: ds_out[var].attrs = ds[var].attrs if save_progress: ds_out.to_netcdf("tmp_binavg-{0}.nc".format(date)) return ds_out