Source code for sciapy.level1c.scia_limb_txt

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Stefan Bender
# This file is part of sciapy.
# sciapy is free software: you can redistribute it or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# See accompanying LICENSE file or
"""SCIAMACHY level 1c limb spectra text interface
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np

from ._types import _float_type, _int_type, _limb_data_dtype

def _print_indent(fp, indent):
	for _ in range(indent):
		print(" ", end="", file=fp)

def _print_array(fp, a, indent):
	_print_indent(fp, indent)
	print('\t'.join(map(str, a)), file=fp)

# format strings taken from scia_L1C_ascii.c
def _print_array1(fp, a, padding=0):
	if padding > 0:
		_print_indent(fp, padding)
	print(''.join(map(lambda x: str('%12.3f ' % x), a)), file=fp)

def _print_array2(fp, a):
	# print(' '.join(map(lambda x: str('% -7.5e' % x), a)), file=fp)
	print(''.join(map(lambda x: str('%12.5e ' % x), a)), file=fp)

[docs]def read_from_textfile(self, filename): """SCIAMACHY level 1c limb scan text import Parameters ---------- filename : str The (plain ascii) table text filename to read the data from. Returns ------- nothing """ import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rfn if hasattr(filename, 'seek'): f = filename else: f = open(filename, 'rb') h_list = [] nh = int(f.readline()) for _ in range(nh): h_list.append(bytes(f.readline()).decode().rstrip()) self.textheader_length = nh self.textheader = '\n'.join(h_list) self.parse_textheader() self.nalt, self.npix = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_int_type, sep=' ') self.orbit_state = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_int_type, sep=' ') (self.orbit, self.state_in_orbit, self.state_id, self.profiles_per_state, self.profile_in_state) = self.orbit_state = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_int_type, sep=' ') # pre-set the limb_data if self._limb_data_dtype is None: self._limb_data_dtype = _limb_data_dtype[:] self.limb_data = np.zeros((self.nalt), dtype=self._limb_data_dtype) if nh > 27: self.limb_data["sub_sat_lat"] = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_float_type, sep=' ') self.limb_data["sub_sat_lon"] = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_float_type, sep=' ') if nh > 29: self.orbit_phase = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_float_type, sep=' ')[0] self.cent_lat_lon = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_float_type, sep=' ') self.limb_data["tp_lat"] = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_float_type, sep=' ') self.limb_data["tp_lon"] = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_float_type, sep=' ') self.limb_data["tp_alt"] = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_float_type, sep=' ') self.limb_data["tp_sza"] = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_float_type, sep=' ') self.limb_data["tp_saa"] = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_float_type, sep=' ') self.limb_data["tp_los"] = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_float_type, sep=' ') self.limb_data["toa_sza"] = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_float_type, sep=' ') self.limb_data["toa_saa"] = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_float_type, sep=' ') self.limb_data["toa_los"] = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_float_type, sep=' ') self.limb_data["sat_sza"] = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_float_type, sep=' ') self.limb_data["sat_saa"] = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_float_type, sep=' ') self.limb_data["sat_los"] = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_float_type, sep=' ') self.limb_data["sat_alt"] = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_float_type, sep=' ') self.limb_data["earth_rad"] = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_float_type, sep=' ') tmp_list = [] for _ in range(self.npix): input = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_float_type, sep=' ') self.wls.append(input[0]) tmp_list.append(input[1:]) tmp_rad_arr = np.asarray(tmp_list).reshape(self.npix, self.nalt).transpose() tmp_list[:] = [] line = f.readline().strip() if bytes(line) == b"ERRORS": for _ in range(self.npix): input = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=_float_type, sep=' ') tmp_list.append(input[1:]) else: for _ in range(self.npix): tmp_list.append(np.zeros(self.nalt)) tmp_err_arr = np.asarray(tmp_list).reshape(self.npix, self.nalt).transpose() # save to limb_data recarray rads = np.rec.fromarrays([tmp_rad_arr], dtype=np.dtype([("rad", 'f4', (self.npix,))])) errs = np.rec.fromarrays([tmp_err_arr], dtype=np.dtype([("err", 'f4', (self.npix,))])) self.limb_data = rfn.merge_arrays([self.limb_data, rads, errs], usemask=False, asrecarray=True, flatten=True) self._limb_data_dtype = self.limb_data.dtype
[docs]def write_to_textfile(self, filename): """SCIAMACHY level 1c limb scan text export Parameters ---------- filename : str The (plain ascii) table text filename to write the data to. Returns ------- nothing """ if hasattr(filename, 'seek'): f = filename else: f = open(filename, 'w') print(self.textheader_length, file=f) print(self.textheader, file=f) # format strings taken from scia_L1C_ascii.c print("%2d %4d" % (self.nalt, self.npix), file=f) print("%05d %2d %2d %2d %2d" % tuple(self.orbit_state), file=f) print("%4d %2d %2d %2d %2d %2d" % tuple(, file=f) if self.textheader_length > 27: _print_array1(f, self.limb_data["sub_sat_lat"], 9) _print_array1(f, self.limb_data["sub_sat_lon"], 9) if self.textheader_length > 29: _print_indent(f, 9) print("%12.3f " % (self.orbit_phase,), file=f) _print_indent(f, 9) print("%8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f " "%8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f" % tuple(self.cent_lat_lon), file=f) # print the limb data _print_array1(f, self.limb_data["tp_lat"], 9) _print_array1(f, self.limb_data["tp_lon"], 9) _print_array1(f, self.limb_data["tp_alt"], 9) _print_array1(f, self.limb_data["tp_sza"], 9) _print_array1(f, self.limb_data["tp_saa"], 9) _print_array1(f, self.limb_data["tp_los"], 9) _print_array1(f, self.limb_data["toa_sza"], 9) _print_array1(f, self.limb_data["toa_saa"], 9) _print_array1(f, self.limb_data["toa_los"], 9) _print_array1(f, self.limb_data["sat_sza"], 9) _print_array1(f, self.limb_data["sat_saa"], 9) _print_array1(f, self.limb_data["sat_los"], 9) _print_array1(f, self.limb_data["sat_alt"], 9) _print_array1(f, self.limb_data["earth_rad"], 9) rads = np.asarray(self.limb_data["rad"]).reshape(self.nalt, self.npix).transpose() errs = np.asarray(self.limb_data["err"]).reshape(self.nalt, self.npix).transpose() # format strings taken from scia_L1C_ascii.c for i in range(self.npix): print("%9.4f" % self.wls[i], end=" ", file=f) _print_array2(f, rads[i]) print("ERRORS", file=f) for i in range(self.npix): print("%9.4f" % self.wls[i], end=" ", file=f) _print_array2(f, errs[i]) f.close()