Source code for sciapy.level1c.scia_limb_hdf5

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2017 Stefan Bender
# This file is part of sciapy.
# sciapy is free software: you can redistribute it or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# See accompanying LICENSE file or
"""SCIAMACHY level 1c limb spectra hdf5 interface

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import logging

import numpy as np
from astropy.time import Time

from ._types import _limb_data_dtype

		format="[%(levelname)-8s] (%(asctime)s) "
		"%(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(message)s",
		datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z")

def _calc_angles(sza_in, los_in, saa_in, z_in, z_out, earth_radius):
	"""SCIAMACHY limb scan angle setup

	Calculates the solar zenith, solar azimuth, and line-of-sight angles
	to the tangent point (tp), to the top of the atmosphere (toa),
	and to the satellite (sat). All angles are in degrees.

	sza_in : ndarray
		The solar zenith angles (per tangent point).
	los_in : ndarray
		The line-of-sight zenith angles (per tangent point).
	saa_in : ndarray
		The relative solar azimuth angles (per tangent point).
	z_in : ndarray
		The input altitudes, can be tangent heights, top of
		atmosphere, or satellite altitudes.
	z_out : ndarray
		The output altitude, can be tangent heights, top of
		atmosphere, or satellite altitudes.
	earth_radius : ndarray
		The earth radii (per tangent point).

	sza_out : ndarray
		The calculated solar zenith angles for the output altitudes.
	los_out : ndarray
		The calculated line-of-sight angles for the output altitudes.
	saa_out : ndarray
		The calculated solar azimuth angles for the output altitudes.
	def sign(x, y):
		xa = np.full_like(y, np.abs(x))
		xa[np.where(y < 0.)] *= -1
		return xa

	cos_psi_in = np.cos(np.radians(sza_in))
	mju_in = np.cos(np.radians(los_in))
	cos_phi_0 = np.cos(np.radians(saa_in))
	sin_phi_0 = np.sin(np.radians(saa_in))

	# /* start original calculation in angles.f */
	r = earth_radius + z_in
	sin_1 = np.sqrt(1.0 - mju_in**2)
	h_0 = r * (sin_1 - 1.0) + z_in

	z_out[np.where(z_out < h_0)] = h_0[np.where(z_out < h_0)]

	delta = (np.sqrt((2.0 * earth_radius + z_in + h_0) * (z_in - h_0)) -
			np.sqrt((2.0 * earth_radius + z_out + h_0) * (z_out - h_0)))
	mju_out = ((mju_in * r - delta) /
			np.sqrt((mju_in * r - delta)**2 + (r * sin_1)**2))
	sin_out = r * sin_1 / (earth_radius + z_out)
	sin_psi = np.sqrt(1.0 - cos_psi_in**2)
	zeta_0 = mju_in * cos_psi_in - sin_1 * sin_psi * cos_phi_0
	ksi_0 = mju_in * sin_psi + sin_1 * cos_psi_in * cos_phi_0

	cos_psi_out = ((cos_psi_in * r - delta * zeta_0) /
			np.sqrt((r * cos_psi_in - delta * zeta_0)**2 +
				(r * sin_psi - delta * ksi_0)**2 +
				(delta * sin_1 * sin_phi_0)**2))
	sin_psi_out = np.sqrt(1.0 - np.clip(cos_psi_out * cos_psi_out, 1.0, np.inf))
	#sin_psi_out = np.sqrt(1.0 - np.clip(cos_psi_out*cos_psi_out, -np.inf, 1.0));

	eta_0 = ((r - delta * mju_in) * sin_psi * cos_phi_0 - delta * sin_1 * cos_psi_in) / (earth_radius + z_out)

	eta_0 = eta_0 + 1.0e-39  # /*! numerical stabilization*/

	s1 = eta_0 / np.sqrt(eta_0**2 + (sin_psi * sin_phi_0)**2)
	s1 = s1 - sign(1.0e-13, s1)  # /* ! numerical stabilization*/

	sd = r * sin_psi * sin_1 * sin_phi_0 / (earth_radius + z_out) / (sin_psi_out * sin_out + 1.0e-78)

	phi_out = sign(np.arccos(s1), sd)

	sza_out = np.degrees(np.arccos(cos_psi_out))
	los_out = np.degrees(np.arccos(mju_out))
	saa_out = np.degrees(phi_out)
	# /* set back direction of line of sight
	# if (z_out > z_in)
	# *saa_out -= PI; */
	logging.debug("calculated tangent_height: %s", h_0)
	return (sza_out, los_out, saa_out)

def _middle_coord(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
	sin_lat = 0.5 * (np.sin(np.radians(lat1)) + np.sin(np.radians(lat2)))
	cos_lat = 0.5 * (np.cos(np.radians(lat1)) + np.cos(np.radians(lat2)))
	sin_lon = 0.5 * (np.sin(np.radians(lon1)) + np.sin(np.radians(lon2)))
	cos_lon = 0.5 * (np.cos(np.radians(lon1)) + np.cos(np.radians(lon2)))
	return (np.degrees(np.arctan2(sin_lat, cos_lat)),
			np.degrees(np.arctan2(sin_lon, cos_lon)))

_state_txt = {
	27: "SCIAMACHY limb eclips",
	28: "SCIAMACHY limb",
	29: "SCIAMACHY limb",
	30: "SCIAMACHY limb",
	31: "SCIAMACHY limb",
	32: "SCIAMACHY limb",
	33: "SCIAMACHY limb",
	55: "SCIAMACHY limb mesosp",

[docs]def read_hdf5_limb_state_common_data(self, hf, lstate_id, state_in_orbit, cl_id): """SCIAMACHY level 1c common data Parameters ---------- hf : opened file Pointer to the opened level 1c HDF5 file lstate_id : int The limb state id. state_in_orbit : int The number in this batch of states for the header. cl_id : int The spectral cluster number. Returns ------- success : int 0 on success, 1 if an error occurred, for example if the measurement data set for the requested limb and cluster ids is empty. """ # MDS = measurement data set cl_mds_group_name = "/MDS/limb_{0:02d}/cluster_{1:02d}".format(lstate_id, cl_id + 1) cl_mds_group = hf.get(cl_mds_group_name) if cl_mds_group is None: return 1 # Load meta data self.metadata["calibration"] = hf.attrs["Calibration"].decode() self.metadata["l1b_product"] = hf.get("/MPH")["product_name"][0].decode() self.metadata["orbit"] = hf.get("/MPH")["abs_orbit"][0] self.metadata["state_id"] = hf.get("/ADS/STATES")["state_id"][lstate_id] self.metadata["software_version"] = hf.get("/MPH")["software_version"][0].decode() self.metadata["keyfile_version"] = hf.get("/SPH")["key_data_version"][0].decode() self.metadata["mfactor_version"] = hf.get("/SPH")["m_factor_version"][0].decode() init_ver = hf.get("/SPH")["init_version"][0].decode().strip() self.metadata["init_version"], decont = init_ver.split() self.metadata["decont_flags"] = decont.lstrip("DECONT=") orb_phase = hf.get("/ADS/STATES")["orb_phase"][lstate_id] j_day_0 = 2451544.5 # 2000-01-01 dsr_d, dsr_s, dsr_us = hf.get("/ADS/STATES")["dsr_time"][lstate_id] state_dt = Time(dsr_d + j_day_0 + dsr_s / 86400. + dsr_us / (86400. * 1e6), format="jd").datetime self.metadata["date"] = state_dt.strftime("%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S.%f") logging.debug("applied calibrations: %s", self.metadata["calibration"]) logging.debug("product: %s, orbit_nr: %s, state_id: %s, orb_phase: %s", self.metadata["l1b_product"], self.metadata["orbit"], self.metadata["state_id"], orb_phase) logging.debug("soft_ver: %s, key_ver: %s, mf_ver: %s, init_ver: %s, " "decont_ver: %s", self.metadata["software_version"], self.metadata["keyfile_version"], self.metadata["mfactor_version"], self.metadata["init_version"], self.metadata["decont_flags"]) ads_state = hf.get("/ADS/STATES")[lstate_id] cl_n_readouts = ads_state["clus_config"]["num_readouts"][cl_id] cl_intg_time = ads_state["clus_config"]["intg_time"][cl_id] self.metadata["nr_profile"] = 24 // (cl_intg_time * cl_n_readouts) self.metadata["act_profile"] = 0 # always zero for now # Prepare the header try: self.metadata["datatype_txt"] = _state_txt[self.metadata["state_id"]] except KeyError: logging.warn("State id %s not supported.", self.metadata["state_id"]) return 1 self.assemble_textheader() logging.debug("header:\n%s", self.textheader) # parse geolocation data gr_scia_geo = cl_mds_group.get("geoL_scia") tan_h = gr_scia_geo["tan_h"] # lat and lon are integers in degrees * 10^6 lats_all = gr_scia_geo["tang_ground_point"]["lat"] lons_all = gr_scia_geo["tang_ground_point"]["lon"] sza_all = gr_scia_geo["sun_zen_ang"] saa_all = (gr_scia_geo["sun_azi_ang"] - gr_scia_geo["los_azi_ang"]) sat_h_all = gr_scia_geo["sat_h"] earth_rad_all = gr_scia_geo["earth_rad"] # lat and lon are integers in degrees * 10^6 subsatlat_all = gr_scia_geo["sub_sat_point"]["lat"] subsatlon_all = gr_scia_geo["sub_sat_point"]["lon"] # fix longitudes to [0°, 360°) lons_all[np.where(lons_all < 0)] += 360000000 if cl_n_readouts > 2: tangent_heights = 0.5 * (tan_h[1::cl_n_readouts, 2] + tan_h[2::cl_n_readouts, 0]) tp_lats = 0.5 * (lats_all[1::cl_n_readouts, 2] + lats_all[2::cl_n_readouts, 0]) * 1e-6 tp_lons = 0.5 * (lons_all[1::cl_n_readouts, 2] + lons_all[2::cl_n_readouts, 0]) * 1e-6 sza_toa = 0.5 * (sza_all[1::cl_n_readouts, 2] + sza_all[2::cl_n_readouts, 0]) saa_toa = 0.5 * (saa_all[1::cl_n_readouts, 2] + saa_all[2::cl_n_readouts, 0]) sat_hs = sat_h_all.reshape((-1, cl_n_readouts)).mean(axis=1) earth_rads = earth_rad_all.reshape((-1, cl_n_readouts)).mean(axis=1) subsatlat = subsatlat_all.reshape((-1, cl_n_readouts)).mean(axis=1) * 1e-6 subsatlon = subsatlon_all.reshape((-1, cl_n_readouts)).mean(axis=1) * 1e-6 else: tangent_heights = tan_h[::cl_n_readouts, 1] tp_lats = lats_all[::cl_n_readouts, 1] * 1e-6 tp_lons = lons_all[::cl_n_readouts, 1] * 1e-6 sza_toa = sza_all[::cl_n_readouts, 1] saa_toa = saa_all[::cl_n_readouts, 1] sat_hs = sat_h_all[::cl_n_readouts] earth_rads = earth_rad_all[::cl_n_readouts] subsatlat = subsatlat_all[::cl_n_readouts] * 1e-6 subsatlon = subsatlon_all[::cl_n_readouts] * 1e-6 logging.debug("tangent altitudes: %s", tangent_heights) nalt = len(tangent_heights) centre = _middle_coord(lats_all[0, 1] * 1e-6, lons_all[0, 1] * 1e-6, lats_all[nalt - 2, 1] * 1e-6, lons_all[nalt - 2, 1] * 1e-6) cent_lat_lon = (centre[0], # fix longitudes to [0, 360.) centre[1] if centre[1] >= 0. else 360. + centre[1], lats_all[0, 0] * 1e-6, lons_all[0, 0] * 1e-6, lats_all[0, 2] * 1e-6, lons_all[0, 2] * 1e-6, lats_all[nalt - 2, 0] * 1e-6, lons_all[nalt - 2, 0] * 1e-6, lats_all[nalt - 2, 2] * 1e-6, lons_all[nalt - 2, 2] * 1e-6) toa = 100. # to satellite first los_calc = np.degrees(np.arccos(0.0)) sza_tp_h = sza_toa.copy() saa_tp_h = saa_toa.copy() los_tp_h = np.full_like(tangent_heights, los_calc) los_toa_h = np.full_like(tangent_heights, los_calc) sza_sat_h, los_sat_h, saa_sat_h = _calc_angles( sza_toa, los_calc, saa_toa, tangent_heights, sat_hs, earth_rads) # angles toa los_calc = np.degrees(np.arcsin((tangent_heights + earth_rads) / (toa + earth_rads))) # to tangent point los_toa_l = np.full_like(tangent_heights, los_calc) sza_tp_l, los_tp_l, saa_tp_l = _calc_angles( sza_toa, los_calc, saa_toa, np.full_like(tangent_heights, toa), tangent_heights, earth_rads) # to satellite sza_sat_l, los_sat_l, saa_sat_l = _calc_angles( sza_toa, los_calc, saa_toa, np.full_like(tangent_heights, toa), sat_hs, earth_rads) sza_sat_h[np.where(tangent_heights <= toa)] = 0. sza_sat_l[np.where(tangent_heights > toa)] = 0. saa_sat_h[np.where(tangent_heights <= toa)] = 0. saa_sat_l[np.where(tangent_heights > toa)] = 0. los_sat_h[np.where(tangent_heights <= toa)] = 0. los_sat_l[np.where(tangent_heights > toa)] = 0. sza_tp_h[np.where(tangent_heights <= toa)] = 0. sza_tp_l[np.where(tangent_heights > toa)] = 0. saa_tp_h[np.where(tangent_heights <= toa)] = 0. saa_tp_l[np.where(tangent_heights > toa)] = 0. los_tp_h[np.where(tangent_heights <= toa)] = 0. los_tp_l[np.where(tangent_heights > toa)] = 0. los_toa_h[np.where(tangent_heights <= toa)] = 0. los_toa_l[np.where(tangent_heights > toa)] = 0. sza_sat = sza_sat_h + sza_sat_l saa_sat = saa_sat_h + saa_sat_l los_sat = los_sat_h + los_sat_l sza_tp = sza_tp_h + sza_tp_l saa_tp = saa_tp_h + saa_tp_l los_tp = los_tp_h + los_tp_l los_toa = los_toa_h + los_toa_l logging.debug("TP sza, saa, los: %s, %s, %s", sza_tp, saa_tp, los_tp) logging.debug("TOA sza, saa, los: %s, %s, %s", sza_toa, saa_toa, los_toa) logging.debug("SAT sza, saa, los: %s, %s, %s", sza_sat, saa_sat, los_sat) # save the data to the limb scan class self.nalt = nalt self.orbit_state = (self.metadata["orbit"], state_in_orbit, self.metadata["state_id"], self.metadata["nr_profile"], self.metadata["act_profile"]) = (state_dt.year, state_dt.month,, state_dt.hour, state_dt.minute, state_dt.second) self.orbit_phase = orb_phase self.cent_lat_lon = cent_lat_lon # pre-set the limb_data if self._limb_data_dtype is None: self._limb_data_dtype = _limb_data_dtype[:] self.limb_data = np.zeros((self.nalt), dtype=self._limb_data_dtype) self.limb_data["sub_sat_lat"] = subsatlat self.limb_data["sub_sat_lon"] = subsatlon self.limb_data["tp_lat"] = tp_lats self.limb_data["tp_lon"] = tp_lons self.limb_data["tp_alt"] = tangent_heights self.limb_data["tp_sza"] = sza_tp self.limb_data["tp_saa"] = saa_tp self.limb_data["tp_los"] = los_tp self.limb_data["toa_sza"] = sza_toa self.limb_data["toa_saa"] = saa_toa self.limb_data["toa_los"] = los_toa self.limb_data["sat_sza"] = sza_sat self.limb_data["sat_saa"] = saa_sat self.limb_data["sat_los"] = los_sat self.limb_data["sat_alt"] = sat_hs self.limb_data["earth_rad"] = earth_rads return 0
[docs]def read_hdf5_limb_state_spectral_data(self, hf, lstate_id, cl_id): """SCIAMACHY level 1c spectral data Parameters ---------- hf : opened file Pointer to the opened level 1c HDF5 file lstate_id : int The limb state id. cl_id : int The spectral cluster number. Returns ------- success : int 0 on success, 1 if an error occurred, for example if the measurement data set for the requested limb and cluster ids is empty. """ cl_mds_group_name = "/MDS/limb_{0:02d}/cluster_{1:02d}".format(lstate_id, cl_id + 1) cl_mds_group = hf.get(cl_mds_group_name) if cl_mds_group is None: return 1 ads_state = hf.get("/ADS/STATES")[lstate_id] cl_n_readouts = ads_state["clus_config"]["num_readouts"][cl_id] pwl = cl_mds_group.get("pixel_wavelength")[:] signal = cl_mds_group.get("pixel_signal")[:] sig_errs = cl_mds_group.get("pixel_signal_error")[:] if cl_n_readouts > 1: # coadd data signal_coadd = signal.reshape((-1, cl_n_readouts, len(pwl))).sum(axis=1) sig_errs = np.sqrt(((sig_errs * signal)**2) .reshape((-1, cl_n_readouts, len(pwl))) .sum(axis=1)) / np.abs(signal_coadd) signal = signal_coadd / cl_n_readouts if np.any(self.wls): # apparently we already have some data, so concatenate self.wls = np.concatenate([self.wls, pwl], axis=0) self._rad_arr = np.concatenate([self._rad_arr, signal], axis=1) self._err_arr = np.concatenate([self._err_arr, sig_errs], axis=1) else: # this seems to be the first time we fill the arrays self.wls = pwl self._rad_arr = signal self._err_arr = sig_errs return 0
[docs]def read_from_hdf5(self, hf, limb_state_id, state_in_orbit, cluster_ids): """SCIAMACHY level 1c HDF main interface This should be the function to be used for HDF5 reading. It reads the common data and iterates over the spectral clusters to fill the class data. Parameters ---------- hf : opened file Pointer to the opened level 1c HDF5 file limb_state_id : int The limb state id. state_in_orbit : int The number in this batch of states for the header. cluster_ids : int or sequence of ints The spectral cluster numbers. Returns ------- success : int 0 on success, 1 if an error occurred, for example if the measurement data set for the requested limb and cluster ids is empty. """ import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rfn if not hasattr(cluster_ids, '__getitem__'): cluster_ids = [cluster_ids] if self.read_hdf5_limb_state_common_data(hf, limb_state_id, state_in_orbit, cluster_ids[0]): return 1 for cl_id in cluster_ids: self.read_hdf5_limb_state_spectral_data(hf, limb_state_id, cl_id) self.npix = len(self.wls) rads = np.rec.fromarrays([self._rad_arr], dtype=np.dtype([("rad", 'f4', (self.npix,))])) errs = np.rec.fromarrays([self._err_arr], dtype=np.dtype([("err", 'f4', (self.npix,))])) self.limb_data = rfn.merge_arrays([self.limb_data, rads, errs], usemask=False, asrecarray=True, flatten=True) self._limb_data_dtype = self.limb_data.dtype return 0