Source code for sciapy.level1c.scia_limb

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Stefan Bender
# This module is part of sciapy.
# sciapy is free software: you can redistribute it or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# See accompanying LICENSE file or
"""SCIAMACHY level 1c limb spectra module

This module contains the class for SCIAMACHY level 1c limb spectra.
It include some simple conversion routines: from and to ascii,
from and to binary, from and to netcdf.

A simple import from HDF5 files produced by the SRON nadc_tools
( is also supported.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np

__all__ = ["scia_limb_point", "scia_limb_scan"]

def _equation_of_time(doy):
	"""Equation of time correction for day of year (doy)


	doy: int
		Day of year, Jan 1 = 1

	eot: float
		Equation of time correction in minutes
	D = doy - 1  # jan 1 = day zero
	W = 360.0 / 365.242
	A = W * (D + 10)
	B = A + 1.914 * np.sin(np.radians(W * (D - 2)))
	C = (np.radians(A) -
					np.cos(np.radians(23.44)))) / np.pi
	return 720.0 * (C - round(C))

[docs]class scia_limb_point(object): """SCIAMACHY limb tangent point data Contains the data from a single tangent point.""" def __init__(self, ls, i): = [] self.npix = 0 self.orbit = 0 self.sub_sat_lat = None self.sub_sat_lon = None self.tp_lat = None self.tp_lon = None self.tp_alt = None self.tp_sza = None self.tp_saa = None self.tp_los_zenith = None self.toa_sza = None self.toa_saa = None self.toa_los_zenith = None self.sat_sza = None self.sat_saa = None self.sat_los_zenith = None self.sat_alt = None self.earthradius = None self.wls = [] self.rads = [] self.errs = [] self.limb_data = None self.from_limb_scan(ls, i)
[docs] def from_limb_scan(self, ls, i): """Import the spectra from a single tangent point of the limb scan Parameters ---------- ls : :class:`~sciapy.level1c.scia_limb_scan` The SCIAMACHY limb scan from which to extract the spectra. i : int The number of the tangent point in the limb scan """ = self.npix = ls.npix self.orbit = ls.orbit if np.any(ls.limb_data.sub_sat_lat): self.sub_sat_lat = ls.limb_data.sub_sat_lat[i] self.sub_sat_lon = ls.limb_data.sub_sat_lon[i] self.tp_lat = ls.limb_data.tp_lat[i] self.tp_lon = ls.limb_data.tp_lon[i] self.tp_alt = ls.limb_data.tp_alt[i] self.tp_sza = ls.limb_data.tp_sza[i] self.tp_saa = ls.limb_data.tp_saa[i] self.tp_los_zenith = ls.limb_data.tp_los[i] self.toa_sza = ls.limb_data.toa_sza[i] self.toa_saa = ls.limb_data.toa_saa[i] self.toa_los_zenith = ls.limb_data.toa_los[i] self.sat_sza = ls.limb_data.sat_sza[i] self.sat_saa = ls.limb_data.sat_saa[i] self.sat_los_zenith = ls.limb_data.sat_los[i] self.sat_alt = ls.limb_data.sat_alt[i] self.earthradius = ls.limb_data.earth_rad[i] self.wls = ls.wls self.rads = ls.limb_data.rad[i] self.errs = ls.limb_data.err[i] self.limb_data = ls.limb_data[i]
[docs]class scia_limb_scan(object): """SCIAMACHY limb scan data Contains the data from all or some selected tangent points. The format is inspired by the SCIAMACHY ascii data format. Attributes ---------- textheader_length : int The number of lines of the text header. textheader : str The header containing the limb scan meta data. metadata : dict Metadata of the limb scan as parsed by :func:`parse_textheader`. Contains: datatype_txt: str The name of the data type. l1b_product: str The level 1b product which was calibrated. orbit: int The Envisat/SCIAMACHY orbit number. state_id: int The SCIAMACHY state_id, denotes the measurement type that was carried out, i.e. nominal limb, MLT limb, nadir, sun or moon occultation etc. software_version: str The software used for calibration. keyfile_version: str The keyfile version used in the calibration process. mfactor_version: str The M-factor version used in the calibration process. init_version: str The init version used in the calibration process. decont_flags: str The decont flags used in the calibration process. calibration: str The calibrations that were applied to the level 1b data to produce the level 1c data. date: str The measurement data of the limb scan as "%Y%m%d" nr_profile: int The number of profiles in the scan. act_profile: int The number of the current profile. nalt : int The number of tangent points. npix : int The number of spectral points. orbit_state : tuple or list of ints Orbit state data containing (orbit number, state in orbit, state id, number of profiles per state (usually one), the actual profile number). date : tuple or list of ints The limb scan's date (year, month, day, hour, minute, second). cent_lat_lon : tuple or list of float The centre latitude and longitude of the scan followed by the four corner latitude and longitude: (lat_centre, lon_centre, lat_corner0, lon_corner0, ..., lat_corner3, lon_corner3). orbit_phase : float The orbital phase of the limb scan. wls: (N,) array_like The spectral wavelengths. limb_data : numpy.recarray The limb data containing the following records: sub_sat_lat: (M,) array_like The latitudes of the satellite ground points (M = nalt). sub_sat_lon: (M,) array_like The longitudes of the satellite ground points (M = nalt). tp_lat: (M,) array_like The latitudes of the tangent points (M = nalt). tp_lon: (M,) array_like The longitudes of the tangent points (M = nalt). tp_alt: (M,) array_like The tangent altitudes (M = nalt). tp_sza: (M,) array_like The solar zenith angles at the tangent points (M = nalt). tp_saa: (M,) array_like The solar azimuth angles at the tangent points (M = nalt). tp_los: (M,) array_like The line-of-sight zenith angles at the tangent points (M = nalt). toa_sza: (M,) array_like The solar zenith angles at the top-of-atmosphere points (M = nalt). toa_saa: (M,) array_like The solar azimuth angles at the top-of-atmosphere points (M = nalt). toa_los: (M,) array_like The line-of-sight zenith angles at the top-of-atmosphere points (M = nalt). sat_sza: (M,) array_like The solar zenith angles at the satellite points (M = nalt). sat_saa: (M,) array_like The solar azimuth angles at the satellite points (M = nalt). sat_los: (M,) array_like The line-of-sight zenith angles at the satellite points (M = nalt). sat_alt: (M,) array_like The satellite altitudes (M = nalt). earth_rad: (M,) array_like The earth radii at the tangent ground points (M = nalt). rad: (M, N) array_like The radiances at the tangent points, M = nalt, N = len(wls). err: (M, N) array_like The relative radiance uncertainties at the tangent points, M = nalt, N = len(wls). """ from .scia_limb_nc import read_from_netcdf, write_to_netcdf from .scia_limb_txt import read_from_textfile, write_to_textfile from .scia_limb_mpl import read_from_mpl_binary, write_to_mpl_binary from .scia_limb_hdf5 import (read_hdf5_limb_state_common_data, read_hdf5_limb_state_spectral_data, read_from_hdf5) def __init__(self): self._limb_data_dtype = None self.textheader_length = 0 self.textheader = "" self.metadata = {} self.nalt = 0 self.npix = 0 self.orbit_state = [] (self.orbit, self.state_in_orbit, self.state_id, self.profiles_per_state, self.profile_in_state) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0) = [] self.cent_lat_lon = [] self.orbit_phase = 0. self.limb_data = None self.wls = []
[docs] def parse_textheader(self): """Parses the ASCII header metadata The ASCII header text contains metadata about the current limb scan. This function reads this metadata into the :attr:`metadata` dictionary. """ from parse import parse split_header = self.textheader.split('\n') line = 0 res = parse("#Data type : {txt}", split_header[line]) self.metadata["datatype_txt"] = res["txt"] line += 1 res = parse("#L1b product : {product}", split_header[line]) self.metadata["l1b_product"] = res["product"] line += 1 res = parse("#Orbit nr.,State ID : {orbit:05d} {state_id:2d}", split_header[line]) self.metadata["orbit"] = res["orbit"] self.metadata["state_id"] = res["state_id"] line += 1 res = parse("#Ver. Proc/Key/M/I/D: {soft}{:s}{key} {mf} {init} {decont}", split_header[line]) self.metadata["software_version"] = res["soft"] self.metadata["keyfile_version"] = res["key"] self.metadata["mfactor_version"] = res["mf"] self.metadata["init_version"] = res["init"] self.metadata["decont_flags"] = res["decont"] line += 1 res = parse("#Calibr. appl. (0-8): {cal}", split_header[line]) self.metadata["calibration"] = res["cal"] line += 1 res = parse("#State Starttime : {date}", split_header[line]) self.metadata["date"] = res["date"] line += 1 res = parse("#Nr Profiles / act. : {np:3d} {ap:3d}", split_header[line]) self.metadata["nr_profile"] = res["np"] self.metadata["act_profile"] = res["ap"]
[docs] def assemble_textheader(self): """Combines the metadata to ASCII header Tranfers the :attr:`metadata` dictionary back to ASCII form for writing to disk. """ # Prepare the header meta = self.metadata if not meta: return n_header = 30 line = n_header + 2 header = ("#Data type : {0[datatype_txt]}\n".format(meta)) header += ("#L1b product : {0[l1b_product]}\n".format(meta)) header += ("#Orbit nr.,State ID : {0:05d} {1:2d}\n".format(meta["orbit"], meta["state_id"])) header += ("#Ver. Proc/Key/M/I/D: {0[software_version]:14s} " "{0[keyfile_version]} {0[mfactor_version]} " "{0[init_version]} {0[decont_flags]}\n" .format(meta)) header += ("#Calibr. appl. (0-8): {0[calibration]}\n".format(meta)) header += ("#State Starttime : {0[date]}\n".format(meta)) header += ("#Nr Profiles / act. : {0[nr_profile]:3d} {0[act_profile]:3d}\n".format(meta)) header += ("# Angles TOA\n") header += ("#L.{0:2d} : Number_of_altitudes Number_of_pixels\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : Orbit State_in_orbit/file State-ID Profiles_per_state Profile_in_State\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : Date Time : yyyy mm dd hh mm ss\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : Sub satellite point lat\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : Sub satellite point lon\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : orbit phase [0..1]\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : Center(lat/lon) 4*Corners(lat/lon)\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : Tangent ground point lat\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : Tangent ground point lon\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : Tangent height\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : tangent pnt: Solar Zenith angle\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : tangent pnt: rel. Solar Azimuth angle\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : tangent pnt: LOS zenith\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : TOA: Solar Zenith angle\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : TOA: rel Solar Azimuth angle\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : TOA: LOS zenith\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : Sat: Solar Zenith angle\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : Sat: rel Solar Azimuth angle\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : Sat: LOS zenith\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : Sat. height\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : Earth radius\n".format(line)) line += 1 header += ("#L.{0:2d} : Npix lines : wavelength n_altitude x radiance".format(line)) self.textheader_length = n_header self.textheader = header
[docs] def read_from_file(self, filename): """SCIAMACHY level 1c limb scan general file import Tries `netcdf` first, the custom binary format second if netcdf fails, and finally ASCII import if that also fails. """ try: # try netcdf first self.read_from_netcdf(filename) except: try: # fall back to mpl binary self.read_from_mpl_binary(filename) except: # fall back to text file as a last resort self.read_from_textfile(filename)
[docs] def local_solar_time(limb_scan, debug=True): """Local solar time at limb scan footprint centre Returns ------- (mean_lst, apparent_lst, eot_correction): tuple * mean_lst - mean local solar time * apparent_lst - apparent local solar time, equation of time corrected * eot_correction - equation of time correction in minutes """ import datetime as dt import logging dtime = dt.datetime(* doy = int(dtime.strftime("%j")) eot_correction = _equation_of_time(doy) hours, mins, secs =[3:] clat, clon = limb_scan.cent_lat_lon[:2] if clon > 180.0: clon = clon - 360.0 mean_lst = hours + mins / 60. + secs / 3600. + clon / 15. apparent_lst = mean_lst + eot_correction / 60.0 if debug: logging.debug("%d %d %02d", limb_scan.orbit, limb_scan.state_in_orbit, doy) logging.debug("%s", limb_scan.orbit_state) logging.debug("%02d %02d %02d", hours, mins, secs) logging.debug("%.3f %.3f %.6f %.6f %.6f", clat, clon, mean_lst % 24, apparent_lst % 24, eot_correction) return mean_lst % 24, apparent_lst % 24, eot_correction